Date: 27/04/2022

26 April 2022


NB: In war (horribly violent and bloody event) between the civilized and the barbarians, the latter win hands down! And the war will be perpetual if commended (as Jehad) by Allah through Holy Koran!


If one ever wondered as to what was Hindusthan like in 1857 when the last Mogul Emperor was sent in exile, one needs to go no further but just look at AFGHANISTAN of today (2022).

Chaotic lawless rule by intolerant ruthless “Taliban” Maulvis and Mullahs, who came to power through brute force, massacring the rivals and the opponents.

War lords rule as autocrats. Public are driven like the animals. Women are forced indoors and girls are denied education. There are no elections. The country is under draconian Sharia Law. That is what Afghanistan is like today.

And that is what most of Hindusthan was like, before 1857. Persian was the state language. Hindus had to learn Hindi and Sanskrit secretly at home in order to recite and understand the religious scriptures.

All the temples had been destroyed or converted as mosques except the few left standing in the South.

Prior to Islamic rule there was freedom, equality of sexes, schools, universities, temples, ashrams and administration, civilisation.

All crashed when the ruthless and illiterate savages from Arabia, Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan repeatedly invaded Hindusthan, starting from Sindh in 712 AD, on the lure of “girls and gold”. They put an end to the civilized, advanced and progressive Hindusthan.


The period of the Islamic conquest, starting in Sindh, to its culmination in Bengal, was marked by massacres, abduction, rape, loot and destruction.

Within a few years-

All the best in our Land was crushed or destroyed.

All initiatives thwarted, discouraged, all endeavour suppressed. Any smart Hindu with a spark of genius was asked to embrace Islam or accept death. All the Hindu Intelligentsia converted or got beheaded.

All opposition was wiped out except in a few defiant pockets (in the South, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Punjab) where the natives bravely resisted the foreign occupation by the brutes and paid a very heavy price. Brahmins were targeted like the Jews in NAZI Germany.

No educational, intellectual and scientific development took place during those long centuries of Muslim rule except the intensive study of Koran in the foreign (Arabic) language that was written from right to left.

All literature, secular as well as religious texts, was destroyed. All libraries set on fire.

All old grand and magnificent buildings including universities, schools, temples, palaces, were razed to ground. Learning the Persian language was mandatory for any job while teaching of Hindi and Sanskrit was either banned or scorned.

Since the rulers were intellectually retarded, the masses could not progress or develop beyond the morons’ (minimal) existential levels of comprehension. Thus there were no new discoveries or inventions.

No Hindu could dress up smartly or ride a horse, leave aside carry a sword or knife. Anyone seen with a sword or stick was considered a threat to the Muslim rulers. Hindus were not allowed to hold protest gatherings or take out religious processions. That happens even now in Bharat, especially in West Bengal and Jehangirpuri, Delhi (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Jahangirpuri_violence : A Hindu–Muslim clash occurred in Delhi's Jahangirpuri area on 16 April 2022, in the midst of a Hindu procession on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti. The clash took place during the procession, which halted near a mosque where Muslims were holding Ramadan prayers).

Dirtiest jobs and those requiring hard labour were given to the Hindus.

Muslims played “hell” with Hindu girls and women. They had the first right to abduct, molest and rape Hindu females. Even young brides were snatched and taken to harems. Hindus started marrying their daughters when very young. The custom of “Sati” started in order to save the young brides being abducted by the Muslims. Any Mogul or Turk could ask a Hindu to hand over his wife. Those resisting were beaten up or beheaded.

Courts justified seduction or abduction and the conversion of girls to Islam. (recent cases of the daughters of Sikh priests at Nankana Sahib and Kartarpur abducted and converted to Islam to the disgust of the Sikhs worldwide!)

Strictly ONE WAY weddings (still prevalent)– always macho “Mohammed” the groom, and the innocent Hindu girl his obedient wife, who was considered his “property” for pleasure and quick divorce by saying the word three times!

While Hindus’ role model was Sri Ram who had one devoted wife Sita, the Muslims’ role model was Mohammed of Mecca who had 19 wives, including one six years old, and several concubines!

Every non-Muslim was labelled “Kafir” (infidel) in the Koran, and made to feel inferior.

There is evidence of Hindu mercenaries sent to fight for the Turks as far as Austria. In the State Museum in Vienna one can see the picture of a Hindu prisoner of war, identifiable by the tuft of hair on the back of his head and sacred mark on his forehead! He must have gone there as a mercenary with the Turkish army, laying siege to Vienna in September 1683.

Grand mosques as well great monuments like Taj Mahal were constructed by forced (Hindu) labour that was paid pittance and fed badly. Tens of thousands died through starvation and disease.

Hindu girls and women and men were enslaved and force marched to Kabul, Ghazni and Kandahar by the invaders. Girls and women were stripped naked by the forefathers of the Taliban and auctioned in the open markets to work as concubines and slaves. Thousands perished due to bitter cold.

The memory of one massacre is especially perpetuated by the name “HINDUKUSH” (lit. slaughter of Hindus) given to a mountain range in Afghanistan. Spare a thought for those Hindu slaves, men and women, ill-clad for Afghan winter who died of starvation or froze to death!

During the repeated invasions of Hindusthan by Mahmud, the ruler of tiny state of Ghazni, millions of Hindus left their homes, and fled in all directions, fearing massacre and rape. (More recently the Muslims forced the Hindus out of their homes at Partition in 1947 and in Kashmir in 1991). It just shows that the Muslims are too dangerous for the Hindus while living in one and the same country!

Till today those Indians, known as gypsies or Roma, are roaming at large across Europe as far as Romania and Spain, shunned by the locals. Their life is pitiable. They are not assimilated with the Europeans and have to live outside towns and cities. Sometimes, falling foul of dictators like Hitler, they are killed in their thousands. Bharat ought to have appointed a special minister for these lost children of Hindusthan.

The “idiots and fanatics” on the throne could not tolerate to see an intelligent Hindu. The whole population was labelled “KAFIR” thus denied rights, and forced to pay the hated Jazia tax. Millions took the rotten option and converted to Islam in order to escape the Jezia tax!

Islam was forced upon the enslaved natives and we can still read about the punishments for refusal. Even small children were killed in most gruesome manner. Major massacres were known as “Ghalooghara” when even infants were snatched from their mothers and thrown up in the air and impaled on spears. This, bestial behaviour evidently, gave the Mohammedan rulers great pleasure!

All freedom fighters were pursued or persecuted relentlessly till the last member of their families was captured and killed.

The manner of killing the defiant Kafirs begs belief! Sawing through the body in the middle, sawing off the scalp to remove the hair, chopping up the prisoner limb by limb, putting boiling water and hot sand on their heads and so on. Prisoners of war were put in iron cages like the animals and paraded through towns for the delight of jeering crowds.

Public killing, beheading, entombing alive, and drowning are some ways of killing the natives of Hindusthan who refused to embrace Islam or recite “Kalma”.

End result of this slavery and degradation was seen in 1947 when a “dead” nation had NO say whatsoever over the unconditional surrender (Partition) of India! None objected and none resisted. In contrast we see Ukraine today (28 April 2022) that was never enslaved by the Muslims who would have made them a “dead” nation like the Hindus. They would have surrendered half of Ukraine without the Russians firing a single shot!

NRI’s living in the Christian West compare the man-made landscape with Bharat. One notices old universities still standing and functioning. We can only cry that our beautiful and bountiful “land of gods” stayed under the ancestors of the savage TALIBAN for centuries. Here are a few examples of institutions in the Christian West what escaped destruction like their Indian counterparts-

Oxford University was teaching as early as 1096, making it the oldest university in the English-speaking world.

Cambride university in Cambridge was founded in 1209 and granted a royal charter by Henry III in 1231.

Vilnius University was established in 1579. It is Lithuania’s leading academic institution. Is there any university in Hindusthan that has stood unharmed that long?

St Paul’s Cathedral was built in AD 604. Westminster choir has been singing since 1348 AD.

British Library is estimated to contain between 170 and 200 million items from many countries. We know what Muslim invaders would have done to it. It would have burnt for many days till all was ash.

The Scottish Library was opened in 1689. It is still serving the community! The Muslim rulers of Hindusthan saw no use of libraries since "all knowledge was in one book, the Koran!"

Throughout those centuries of ISLAMIC rule over India there was NO manufacture, no discovery, no invention, to improve the quality of life.

Let us ask the question again: "What was Bharat like in 1857?" One needs to go to AFGHANISTAN and see.

One sighs, “Only if our ancestors had inflicted a crushing defeat on the Arab invader and pushed Mohammed bin Qasim back to Mecca! How we wish that the likes of Taliban had not come to our beautiful and progressive Hindusthan to cause so much destruction and suffering.

Is there a lesson for us today? Yes, there is!

It is, create AWARENESS, instill PRIDE, bring about UNITY and write up a NEW CONSTITUTION to replace the current one that, being “secular” puts the enemy on top, and not a word about that crippling “Partition”!

Not the slightest aspiration left in ONE BILLION feeble bodies to recover Sri Nankana Sahib, Lahore, Gilgit and East Bengal one day, even a thousand years from today?

Without this patriotic impulse, without recording the aspiration to unite India, without feeling disgust over the new artificial borders slicing through Kashmir, Punjab and Bengal, without outright rejection of the unconditional surrender of Hindusthan (without referendum, without reason and without population exchange!), the Hindu nation will remain “dead” till eternity.

Is that acceptable to the President (“Rashtrapati”) and the Parliament (“Lok Sabha”) - now that the British masters have left for good, now that Jinnah, Gandhi and Nehru are DEAD and gone for ever?

Let us fearlessly demonstrate love and respect for our “Mother India” (“Bharat Mata”) unless we want, through default, civil war or slavery once again, unless we want to live as a “defeated” nation confined in the borders born out of High Treason, betrayal and recklessly hasty unconditional surrender of1947!

28 April 2022
