Date: 12/05/2022


In fact the trap that was set by “wide awake” NEHRU and the “sleeping” GANDHI, has put a question mark on the future of surviving Hindus in Partitioned Indian Secular State.

The TIME BOMB beneath the Hindu nation is so simple to explain:

A lot of land was surrendered unconditionally to establish a separate Islamic State, exclusively for the Muslims living in India.

Mr Jinnah and his All-India Muslim League wanted the areas with Muslim majority to be sliced off from India to establish Pakistan. But when the Muslims living in the REST OF THE COUNTRY also rushed to live in Pakistan, their High Treason was not confined to the Muslims in those areas ONLY, but to the Muslims ALL OVER INDIA!

This fact had dangerous (lethal) implications for the Non Muslims living in Pakistan. Suddenly with the huge INFLUX of Muslims from the REST OF (Hindu majority) INDIA, it was necessary to EXTERMINATE the Non Muslims to capture and occupy their homes.

HINDUS HAD TO BE EXTERMINATED in order to make houses available to the INCOMING Muslims. And the manner in which they were forced out needs a book to write details of individuals slaughtered, girls and women abducted and raped and converted, MILLIONS forced to flee, and the destruction of temples and homes as collateral damage!

One could not dare to discuss or challenge this BOGUS and ABDURD Partition, with the Muslim presence all over (the REST of) India, due to TERROR of autocratic and ruthless dictator called Jawaharlal Nehru after he DELETED the words “Democracy and Partition” from his vocabulary but called it “Independence”!
Why did Nehru choose his own daughter to rule India after him? And why does their slavish stooge Congress Party wish to put the THIRD generation NEHRU (Rahul) on top?

The reason is that they are afraid that once the terror of Nehru overhead disappears, the people will immediately REPLACE “Independence” by “Partition” and then many will wish to know who were the criminals and traitors who so promptly agreed to Partition!

Many would QUESTION the terms of that “Partition”. And many would demand a TRIAL of Nehru and Gandhi.

Hence it was a shock to see someone as bold and patriotic like Shri Modi sticking to “Independence” and chanting praises of MK Gandhi and giving equal credit to “BANDIT” JL Nehru! One did expect Modiji to LIFT THE VEIL OVER TRUTH - whether it was really Independence or Partition!
If it was Independence then what happened to Karachi, Lahore and East Bengal? What PATRIOTISM is this to throw those areas out of mind and say, “India got Independence in 1947!” NO Sir, It was PART OF INDIA that got freedom!
Let us be honest and accurate and describe “Independence” this way: TWO THIRDS OF BHARAT BECAME INDEPENDENT WHILE ONE THIRD OF BHARAT REGRESSED INTO EVEN WORSE FORM OF SLAVERY (with the “Taliban approved” Constitution written for the wild, illiterate and lawless bedouins of Arabia in the 7th Century AD! (“four wives, stoning to death, and chop off hands or feet!)!

NB: Slavery under ISLAM degrades the cities of Karachi and Dhaka by making them “sisters” of KABUL, connected by the same KORAN!


We appeal to the Hindu nation, “Be brave. Show patriotism. Designate August 14 as the Day of MOURNING (on the continued slavery of Western and Eastern India), and designate August 15 as the INDEPENDENCE Day of the MIDDLE India with Delhi as capital.

13 May 2022
