Date: 17/05/2022

I want to say that one should begin from own family. The idea of whole world ends up in serving none!

It ends up even in self destruction as we saw in 1947. We thought all mankind was one family. Then one member of our "world family" suddenly chopped up our sacred Motherland and also slaughtered a couple of MILLIONS of Hindus and Sikhs.

On that day I understood the difference when I saw our noble "Land of Five Rivers" bleeding while not a word of sympathy came from Gujerat or Maharashtra, nor was a single Muslim expelled from there while we were totally wiped out in West Punjab.

I also made another observation. Our IMAGE abroad depends on our image at home. If Punjabis are impoverished at home our esteem abroad will suffer badly.

The "airy fairy" idea of helping the whole world sounds great. But helping the world will consume ourselves totally. Just one Afghanistan has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars and yet death and destruction have not left Afghanistan. Beyond Afghanistan the world is a bottomless deep well like Somalia, Yemen, Venezuela, Mexico and Bangladesh to name a few, needing every rupee the Punjab has in order to “drown” the Punjabis completely.
While we serve the world, our own Punjab is sinking in illiteracy, drugs, immortality and the love of foreign countries. More Punjabis have left the troubled Punjab than any other people. Such a colossal BRAIN DRAIN has taken place in Punjab. We see how those who stuck to their countries have made their own countries prosperous, beautiful and invite world tourists. Among them are the Czeck Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania!

I would suggest humbly to do all what is possible for Punjab. Other States have acted on this principle. Mr Modi has taken his Gujerat miles ahead including the tallest statue of Sardar Patel but none out of the countless heroes of Punjab!

Hence today our troubled "Punjab" is being left behind. There is no comparison with Gujerat, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Punjab, a mere fragment of the original, is standing in the last row looking towards the whole world but the world helps those WHO HELP THEMSELVES.

A strong Punjab ought to be among the more advanced and prosperous States in Bharat so that it can help those in need.

Best regards
Your brother,
