Date: 11/06/2022
PARTITION offers unique insight on how to prepare for the next onslaught and how to save lives. But either through cowardice or stupidity the rulers of Bharat have pushed the Partition under the carpet, or do not wish to talk about it in case the ignorant nation could learn anything from it and save their lives and daughters! Such "diminished and mentally retarded, or scared" RULERS are nowhere else to be seen!
HOW WERE WE ATTACKED IN 1947? Usually on Fridays the Muslims, MEN ONLY (NO women among them!) gathered in mosques for their mandatory prayers. It was not just "bhajan, kirtan and few witty anecdotes, as in a mandir, but fiery political speeches by the maulvis in masjids. These would incite the "namazis" against the Kafirs (us Hindus and Sikhs).
Thus the worshipers pouring out of mosques would instantly become violent MOBS who would start killing the Hindus (and Sikhs) on sight, and would loot the shops and set fire to houses with families trapped inside.
THERE WAS NO POLICE in sight and the MILITARY did their "flag march" once a day and then stayed in barracks doing drills and their own training.
Thus all Hindus, young and old, men, women, boys and girls, were helpless against these infuriated mobs and were exposed to murder, abduction and rape. My family escaped only because next door to us a serviceman was on leave. He had an official revolver. As the mob was spotted one day, entering our street, he came out and pointed the revolver at them. They stopped and then turned back and went into another street where nobody had a pistol or gun. Any Hindu who came out with a lathi or kirpan was overwhelmed and cut to pieces by the mob in no time. Those massacres, abductions and rape lasted months with the final toll of TWO MILLION killed and 12 million forced out of their homes. Peace came to Pakistan only when hardly any Hindu or Sikh was left alive!
LESSON: Each and every Hindu household MUST have a gun or pistol. And if in 1947 everyone had a weapon ALL THE HINDUS WOULD HAVE BEEN SAFE. In fact, there would have been NO ignominious break up of the sub continent into three ugly mutually hostile fragments!
That is why countries like SWITZERLAND and ISRAEL make it mandatory for each and every citizen to possess a gun or rifle and trained to use it. In the USA every citizen can possess a gun. Though sometimes the guns are misused they are not banned. In Bharat gun license to the Hindus (NOT to the MUSLIMS who captured one third of India to establish their Islamic Pakistan in 1947, and while doing so, massacred two million innocent Hindus and Sikhs!) are a must.
That is the ONLY way to not only save Hindu lives next time but also the good news: The Muslim uprising will not even begin!
NB: Hindus and Sikhs living in States with high Muslim density like Kashmir and West Bengal and those situated along the "lethal" border like East Punjab, MUST possess guns for self defence. Those in the slightest doubt or hesitation ought to read about the fate of the Hindus and Sikhs in Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi and North Kashmir during Partition - and in Noakhali in August 1946, the pre warning that was totally ignored by the FOOLS.