Date: 19/06/2022

Re: Nobody........Here is something for you on Hinduism (resend)
Sun, 19 Jun 2022 17:54
sanjeev kulkarni (jeevkulkarni@yahoo.com)
To:you + 126 more Details

No Muslim is Indian. All are Pakistanis. Once they are given a separate homeland and they have loyalty towards it they cease to be Indian. This is the reason they try to sabotage success story of India from within. Muslims living in India are useless eaters. Due to them statistics of development of India is bleak and crime statistic high. Without them India would have been a major power in the world by now. Muslims are a drag on the progress of India. They need to be sent to their homeland ASAP.


On Sunday, 19 June, 2022, 10:11:35 pm IST, Muzafferuddin ahmed wrote:

I am an Indian. I know what was India and what is India now. I am proud of my great civilization. But I am not mad to claim
anything which is not right to own.
- How education is defined and expressed.
We have not a single building which is claimed to be the oldest. Our all oldest buildings are caves. Adi Vasi work.
Our all structures are Mulnivasi or Buddhist. No Aryan or Sanatana Touch.
-All old temples not in India
- All old buildings not in India

Pyramids or any other building which are thousands of years old, still present architect boomarang to build it.
Due to Rajiv Gandhi's vision and Congress workout for IT sector and Congress investment HRD today we stand
and we think we can do anything and say anything. The sane world still laughs at us. Cool down, take a rest.
In India, we failed to invent cloth to hide the body they claim we were supreme power.

On Sun, Jun 19, 2022 at 5:51 AM Satya D wrote:
>>>>[ Muzafferuddin ahmed ] Keep all this in your back. The world already knew who invented Zero and all. Keep all these malafide stories
.Modi spent millions of dollars for all this propaganda. Now the west also realized.

Can some sane Muslim put some sense into this moron. He will probably say that Steve Jobs did not exist and Muslims invented an iphone. Better still, he might even ask us to believe it is not Oppenheimer who created the atom bomb, but the Islamic suicide terrorists!! Yes, there are some debates about origin of zero but the most established one it is originated from India just as many other greatest inventions.

Why do you think, you stupid that all these greatest thinkers have so much reverence to Vedas and Hinduism. This guy like many others must be reading lot of Western Christian missionary fanatics websites who are spreading lies so that they can convert poor Hindus, maybe you should ask them why Western world is systematically butchering Muslims in Middle East (millions in Iraq alone) for oil. Or ask them to speak for Uighur Muslims where Chinese CCP are taking away and putting their young men in 're-learning' camps while the CCP personnel are sleeping in the same bed as the Muslim woman. They will never because that means they cannot use the cheap prison labor and make the Western rich elites get more richer.

Maybe you will now try to tell us now Mohammad married Aisha when she was 19 year old and that Bukhari and his Hadith never existed and it is all made up in our minds. Or you are going to tell Koran does not approve divorce of pre-pubescent girls? Or maybe that Mohammad never had an adopted son whose wife he felt attracted to and asked to divorce her so he can have sex with her. Or maybe the story of unfortunate Jewish woman whose family he killed and right in the middle of the carnage and forced her to have sex (it is called 'rape') is all for defaming the prophet. These are all documented in Islamic scriptures itself you moron. No one is making up. Ask, Zakir Naik who was honored by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Malaysia and many other Islamic nations, maybe he will teach you about life of prophet (peace be upon him).

Most Muslims are apostates because they will never follow the prophet and give their young girls (daughters or grand daughters) of six years old to 53 year old men and coach her is is OK to have sex after she is 9 years old with a 56 year old man even though her genitals are still at formation stage. Many are apostates because they would not teach their sons that what the current civilization calls 'pedophilia' is to defame Islam and it is perfectly OK to marry a six year old even after you are 53 year old and have sex with girls when a girl is 9 year old. It is OK for them to marry pre pubescent girls and divorce them no matter what age you are, it is your divine right. That if they have sons and his wife is young and good looking and if they have feelings for her, it is OK to ask your son to divorce and have sex with her. Of course, after enjoying sex with your earlier 'daughter in law', it is OK for the son to remarry the same woman!!

For heaven sake, think, you idiot!! Humanity precedes religion. What drives a human being is their humanity, not a book, not a prophet. We have innate feelings of what is right and what is wrong. Covering up will not get you anything, it drives more in the deep sand. The hulla bulla, threats of beheading, murder, cutting tongue, about Nupur Sharma for repeating verbatim what is their already in your scriptures only showed the whole world to investigate what exactly it is about. Thank you, we learnt a lot more than we did before. Peace be upon the 'prophet'.

Get a life.

