Britain sinking under unproductive Muslims

Date: 27/06/2022

[*Note. We encounter endless arguments by salafi libtards claiming there is no verification to these statistics, and they are false although all of them are clearly verified both in news reports and government reports in the links under Related. Research facts before you comment.]

Modest numerical calculations based on government statistics, wikileaks and media reports reveal that the British government spend a minimum £13+ billion a year from tax revenues on unproductive Muslims in the country. While the government is trying to create £12 billion in annual cuts by targeting the handicapped, elderly, and poor amongst it’s own citizens, they have ignored a group that is highly overrepresented above anyone else in welfare exploitation. Sweden appears to be gripped in a similar situation with the country drowning in Muslim related expenses.
The Daily Telegraph reported in 2012 that 75% of all Muslim women are unemployed while 50% of all Muslim men are unemployed (67.5% total) – a staggering 350% rise from 13% for men and 18% for women in 2004. Muslims are also on sick leave more than anyone else, with 2001 figures revealing that 24% of females and 21% of males claim disability. Muslims are the most likely among all religious groups to be living in accommodation rented from the council or housing association (28%); 4% live rent-free (2004 figures). As if this is not enough, the total prison population in the UK amongst category A and B criminals (the worse crimes) is now 35-39% Muslim.
Since current statistics fail to clarify how many Muslims actually collect benefits, and whether unemployment figures include those on disability and in prison, only a crude estimate can be made. The indications are nevertheless shocking: (2012 unconfirmed estimate increased the population number from 3 million), roughly 4.25 million Muslims, or more than 85%, live off tax payers. If we average this with a simple, quick calculation of the minimum benefit payment of £67 a week granted in Britain for adults, at least £ 284,750,000 per week (£1.139 billion per month) is spent from taxpayers on Muslims who barely contribute anything whatsoever to Britain’s revenues – except making more Muslims.
The calculation is not detailed enough to include housing benefits, childcare support, medical care and other coverage. We can estimate that only in unemployment support, Muslims cost the British government at least £ 13+ billion a year.
A more detailed calculation need to be made when there are clearer records at hand. At present the government will not publish current, clear and defined numbers and we had to find them through different sources most of it coming from wikileaks (see below). The older numbers are inaccurate and highly understated since data have shows that the Muslim population tend to double in less than a decade (in 7 years).
If the same population growth continues in a steady flow, by 2030 Britain will have a 40% Muslim population. And who will feed and house them? There is simply nowhere for the British economy to go but down. As if that is not bad enough 32 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the name of religion is justified, 54 percent wanted a Muslim Party to represent their world view in Parliament, and 40 percent of young Muslims in the UK want the country to be governed under Sharia law (2004 report).

1. Muslim statistics
2. Wikileaks: UK Muslim demographics 2009
3. Worldwide Muslim demographics and social conditions with the expansion of Islam
4. UK Muslim prison population: Prison pressure to convert to Islam
5. Wikipedia: Islam in the UK
6. Pew Global Statistics: Muslims in Europe
7. Dhimmi Guardian: Why Muslim women are unemployed (2009 data)
8. British Muslim Statistics (from 2001 census)
9. WikiIslam Muslim Statistics
10. Daily Telegraph: “…50% of Muslim men & 75% of Muslim women are unemployed“. Britain’s coping classes at breaking point
11. Almost a quarter of state school pupils are from an ethnic minority
12. National Statesman: The lost Muslim generation
13. Fox News: “…90% unemployment amongst Muslims in Sweden”. Sweden’s Muslim immigration problem


Europe and Britain sinking under weight of welfare costs
It’s not just that much welfare spending
