Date: 16/07/2022


Accepting that the Muslims are a separate nation that cannot live under SECULAR law and nor can they live with, or under, a non Muslim majority, and, therefore, ought to be allowed to live in a separate ISLAMIC country with its own ISLAMIC Law, is a dangerous precedent not only for the Indian sub continent but also for Europe and North America and rest of the world.

How does this “Partition through Separatism” work on the minds of the MUSLIM masses living in the non Muslim countries like Bharat? (They feel trapped. They feel betrayed. They feel suffocated. They feel resentful. They feel cheated. They feel rebellious.) And how do the Hindus feel, seeing a separatist Muslim in their midst?

Having accepted the Muslims as a separate people, how can we believe in the idea of “All mankind is ONE family!” and “One Law for all!”?

PARTITION is workable ONLY if all the members of the “SECOND” nation leave Bharat. Otherwise the Muslims in Bharat must think that “denial of Sharia Law to them is discrimination against them. Hence it is natural for them to reject the secular Constitution. or break out!”

Finally how can the Hindus feel safe with the Muslims who hate them, and reject their secular Constitution?

Now we tell the Muslims in Lahore, “You may not accept our secular Constitution,” but at the same time tell the Muslims in Delhi, “You MUST accept our Secular Constitution!”

Are we making a mockery of our Secularism that is valid in Delhi and Chennai but not in Lahore and East Bengal?

And what will happen when in any State in our secular Bharat the Muslims become 51 per cent, or more, due to natural birth rate or due to sinister political considerations?

Our Motherland cannot be betrayed. Our people cannot be fooled and confused like the present THREE countries out of ONE in South Asia!

Poisonous ideological gases are burning under the surface. We can delete “Partition” from our vocabulary. We may never recall it. A big earthquake is about to shake all of us out of complacency and cause a lot of destruction.

Lok Sabha in New Delhi should reject the idea of “second” nation with regard to the Muslims only. They must openly and publicly accept that Partition was a blunder committed by our leaders who were “men of straw” without any heart or conviction in Akhand Bharat, and without any sense of patriotism.

CONDEMN GANDHI AND NEHRU BY NAME, who agreed to the break up of our Akhand Bharat so promptly, without argument, without challenge, and without referendum!

The new Indian Constitution should apply to the country that was India, or Hindusthan, until 14 August 1947 - UNTIL THE JINN WAS IN THE BOTTLE.

“PARTITION” MUST BE RE-NEGOTIATED. We should see the writing on the wall for the present Partitioned Indian Secular State!

Simmering discontent among the “Indian” Muslims, mixed with Pakistani mischief (helping hand), will explode in the form of civil war very soon. All the expensive modern weaponry, tanks, guns and fighter aircraft, will stand idly by as in Afghanistan on 30th August 2021.

What will be the shape and size of Hindusthan after all that?
