Date: 16/08/2022

Tue, 16 Aug 2022 6:46

Some more "crowns" to add the bald head of that womanizer first PM of India:

1. He was selected & Not elected - by 01-14 Votes against Sardar Patel. But
Gandhi cast his vote in Nehru's favour and from then ill-luck of Bharat started.

2. That idiot SOB - declared freedom at midnight - (maybe he wanted to see
the moon, before officially declaring freedom!) for a country where 90% of
the then Hindu citizens were Sun worshippers! No wonder, under him & his
dynasty, Bharat only saw darkness.

3. He was a True chacha to Muslims both in West & East Pakistan, but a rose
wearing snake oil selling librando for Hindus.

4. He wanted to disband the well-tested (after the 2nd world war) Indian troops,
at the stroke of independence! Talk of a leader with Zero vision.

5. For him & his mentor Gandhi, even after moving so close with Jinnah could
Not even guess - that Jinnah was suffering from terminal T.B & could have been
even made the P.M of Akand Bharat, just for 1-2 years!

6. Chacha also chose Chinese as Bhai and in return they struck a dagger so deep
in his back that he died shortly after Chinese aggression of 1962!

True legacy of Gandhi and Nehru - they have built & left such a dark tunnel for India
that there is NO Light at the other end of the tunnel!


On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 6:34 PM Rajput wrote:

THE FIRST PRIME MINISTER of the post-partition India was a man who hated India and the Hindus. He loved the Muslims and the Arabs. His choice of Minister for Education was a Maulana who was born in Mecca! He did not think that the bogus mosque in Ayodhya must be replaced by a grand Temple like the one that stood there until 1526 AD.

He could not accept that the Pakistani “Brothers” should be pushed out of entire Kashmir. So he ordered our army to cease fire! He wanted to disband the army so that the “Rest” of India, too, could be weak and vulnerable. He deprived the army of suitable weapons and clothing with the result that the Chinese could wipe out the whole Infantry Brigade in 1962. He openly betrayed India at PARTITION and betrayed the Indian army soon thereafter in Kashmir and NEFA. He was a traitor in reality.

He “gifted” one third of India to the enemy while all countries fight tooth and nail even for one square inch of their territory!

He happily signed on the document of surrender without insisting on referendum, without laying down any conditions and without even charging one paisa for the umpteen farms and fields, forests and hills, rivers and canals, and villages, towns, and cities, even the provincial capitals like Hyderabad, Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar and Dhaka, the second largest city in East Bengal. Kolkata escaped “death under Sharia” by a very thin chance!

At the time of Partition, there was also Bapu MK Gandhi, who was not in secret alliance with the enemy like Nehru, but a Hindu wedded to non violence. Again it is a mystery that though a barrister-at-law from London he failed to think of even one condition for agreeing to the “death” of his cherished Akhand Bharat.

He neither threatened Mohammed Ali Jinnah with prosecution on account of his High Treason, nor mentioned “population exchange” nor did he undertake fast unto death that he used to observe for demanding petty concessions from the British rulers. It’s a mystery as to why Gandhi was so much charmed by Nehru as to go along with Nehru’s free gift of territory of “brother” Jinnah! There was not a word of condemnation of Nehru in Gandhi’s head!

Due to such rotten top leaders in 1947 our India had no defender, nor a savior, but suffered the worst ever humiliating defeat in the entire history of India.

It is natural and usual for the defeated side to studiously go through the scenario of defeat day in and day out, to learn some lessons in order to be better prepared to face the next onslaught by the enemy.

But the cowardly rulers of India refuse to utter the word “Partition” but insist on saying that “it was Independence of India!”

The state of the Hindus (majority community) who were supposed to resist the break-up of India fiercely and resolutely, was most miserable and pathetic that can be imagined. They simply collapsed at the feet of Jinnah and let him have his “pound of flesh AND a ton of blood”, too, without any protest or retaliation.
Hindus trapped in Pakistan were wiped out completely despite the assurances by Jinnah that his Pakistan will be secular and tolerant!

The question still hangs in the air, “Why even the President, the Prime Minister and the Lok Sabha (Parliament in New Delhi) have NEVER uttered the word “PARTITION”!


If you know a little bit of the German language, please tune in to their television channels “PHOENIX” and “ZDF-Info”, and see how many times during the day they mention the DEFEAT and SURRENDERS of (NAZI) Germany in 1945! Yet on the all Indian media not a word about the widespread MASSACRES of Hindus (and Sikhs) across nascent Pakistan.

Is it not preposterous that nearly TWO MILLION Hindus who were killed and thousands of girls and women who were captured and raped and killed or converted, find NO mention in the ruling circles of Bharat?

The reason is endemic FEAR. The whole Hindu nation is terror struck. Today, August 15 (2022), there were big INDEPENDENCE celebrations but not one soul mentioned the word PARTITION from any platform! The reason is endemic TERROR! Whose FEAR and whose TERROR?

FEAR that Gandhi and Nehru will have to be stood in the dock and exposed for Treason and Cowardice. And TERROR that if will not only remind the Muslims of their black deed but PROVOKE them to lash out at the Hindus all over Bharat! Then the Hindus from all of Bharat will be running for life as those in Lahore did at PARTITION!

What a cowardly stance to dance over the dead body of Akhand Bharat just to retain the ILLUSION that Gandhi got us Independence and Nehru was the architect of modern India! It is to maintain their high image that the farce of “Independence” is enacted, riding over the feelings of all those who lost everything, including parents, children, and homes.

The FEAR of disturbing the hornets’ nest, since people will start asking questions about WHO and WHY. There is FEAR that the nation will “SPIT” in contempt on all the places that bear the names of Nehru and Gandhi. The Truth that one was a traitor, the other a coward will open the eyes of every Hindu (and Sikh).

Nothing can be a bigger LIE and ABSURDITY than that. They both brought about the collapse of our United India. They were not illiterate fools who could not see that the UNITED Kingdom was giving us BROKEN Bharat on final departure!

Now, also consider this: Since the Hindus are not reminded of the Islamic VIOLENCE at PARTITION, they, being the THIRD generation after Partition now, have no sense of fear or danger of the next Islamic onslaught. Hindus are as naïve and ignorant of the future civil war, and equally disunited, weak and UNPREPAED as they were at PARTITION!

What will happen to the government if, God forbid, that tragedy (CIVIL WAR) begins to unfold? ANSWER: In the case of mass uprising the first to collapse and vanish, are the governments!

Establish Hindu Holocaust Museums in EVERY State capital since Muslim atrocities occurred in every State during the centuries of Afghanistan (Taliban) style Islamic rule over India.

Be INSPIRED by Israel.
Write up a new Constitution for HINDU RASHTRA so that when you prepare the non violent “Gandhian” Hindus for eventual civil war, no Muslim can say, “I am an equal citizen as per Constitution, and if you spend two rupees on raising the Hindus’ awareness then you must spend FIVE rupees on raising the Muslims’ awareness, too! that is the TRAP in which the Hindus are caught and immobilized at present!

Saying, or celebrating, “Independence” all the time is like rubbing salt and chilies in the wounds of the MILLIONS of Hindu survivors who were brutally forced out of their homes in Pakistan when one third of India went under the yoke of Islamic SLAVERY!

Finally, Let us bow before “SATYAM”. It means that just to protect the “image & halo” of Gandhi and Nehru we are prepared to sacrifice all the Hindus in Partitioned India who will be as ignorant and UNPREPARED as in 1947! SHAME!

if we CELEBRATE Delhi’s Independence then we must also MOURN Lahore’s “death” at the same time! That is patriotism. That is wisdom. And that is moral courage! Without these three we are still a “dead” nation since we are violating the rule, “Moral is to the physical as three is to one”.

That was said by Napoleon for his brave French people. In our case, and in the backdrop of total national collapse in 1947, it is certainly worth looking at.

15 August 2022

The perception of the others is based on one’s own self-perception. In other words those who are good readily trust the bad guys. That is the Law behind the Hindus loving the Muslims, trusting their enemies, and the women trusting their rapists.
Simple, honest and trusting Hindus could never imagine that Nehru was an imperial agent, a traitor and a crook, who would stop our advancing troops in Kashmir, that Mr. MK Gandhi would so easily “fizzle out” in 1947 and see India reduced by one third in size overnight, and Mrs Indira Gandhi (Maimoona Begum) would return our own captured territory to Islam, again without a single condition or guarantee for the safety of minorities in East Bengal.

We, the people of Bharat, sincerely believed that NEHRU was a patriot and Gandhi a holy soul like Guru Tegh Bahadur.
