Date: 31/08/2022
The rapes in India is not a Indic problem — I saw nine incidents in my social media feed today — all done by Muslims as part of Jihad. You can check out the news feeds everyday. 90% of serious crimes - rapes & murders are done by Muslims in India. Disproportionate to their percentage! Muslims are about 30% but they contribute to 90% of rapes & murder!
I used to read about rapes 30 years ago, not much then and also gang rapes were rare and victims survived. As Muslim % grew the brutality has increased with increasing frequency. Not just ordinary rapes but gang rapes! Not just gang rapes but mostly end with murdering the victim also in most brutal manner! Raping minors and babies was unheard of, now that too is common..Jihad demands it. OTOH Once in a while there are Hindu rapists .. they molest/rape, rarely gang rape & even more rarely kill the victim!
The intention of rapes is different.
Why Muslims rape & kill ? It serves 2 purpose — Jihad against kaffirs as usual and also tainting “India - rape capital of the world” tag Muslims rape and Hindu India gets tainted!
… even though Pakistan / Islamic countries are all RAPE capitals as every sexual act is rape itself as consent is NOT Involved! Plus with requirement of 4 witnesses for a rape victim to prove herself innocent as she was raped is impossible! Getting stoned for adultery is easier!
The tainting part is interesting — Garbage in Garbage out .. the global IslamoLeftist outlets like NYT , WAPO & BBC pick up these from leftist Indian media & never identify the religion when the perpetrator is Muslim - it’s always the plumber did it or electrician did it or teacher it! Indian leftist media is the culprit. You have to really read the fine print on page 10 to see the name of the rapist, if you are lucky. In rare cases they even change the religion of the rapist from Muslim to Hindu to sound politically correct! Don’t believe it .. happened this week with India Today. See link below.