Date: 13/10/2022


Why so many couldn’t care less!

It is noticed that those Hindus who were old enough to understand as to what was going on in India during mid 1940’s are attached to Akhand Bharat like the babies on birth are attached to the umbilical cord.

It was the country they were born in. It was their motherland, and its shape, form, size, frontiers and map outline are all imprinted deep in their psyche. They were familiar with the map of India and they travelled frequently to meet relatives, to spend school vacation with them.

The provinces were “whole” then. So people could take a bus or train from Attock to Meerut, even from Bombay (now Mumbai) to Rawalpindi or to any other city.

My own family was spread far and wide. An aunt lived in Peshawar, another in Patiala. An uncle lived in Quetta. I lived with parents in Multan while my grandparents lived in Rawalpindi. And so on. Those were very peaceful and settled days and travel was safe. None heard of “love jehad”!

Then the political storm built up and as a result India broke up into three fragments. Millions moved across the new borders and could not “relate” to the new environments while struggle for life took attention and energies that were directed in new directions.

Once displaced, the intimate direct contact with motherland snapped. Many came abroad and will never go back to live again in their land of birth. Many feel rootless all through their lives. Many will dream of their old relatives, friends, old schools, and thus get connected to the India that does not exist.

Akhand Bharat is where they were born and they can never reconcile to Partition although their biological, cultural, social and spiritual roots were cut with utmost cruelty.

Then we come to those who were born AFTER Partition. They saw the new map from the day of birth and have never seen India in any other shape. They do not have emotional attachment to places in East Bengal, Sindh and West Punjab. These have been FOREIGN to them since birth. They have no idea of the upheavals and massacres, abduction and rape on massive scale and endless long foot convoys of millions, escaping Pakistan to come to the Rest of Bharat to start a new life.

I belong to the generation that was born, and lived in Akhand Bharat, and am emotionally connected to that country that is no more. I am also still connected to my parents who are no more. But they are in my mind and soul. Like our connection with parents, that is life long, even if they lose an arm or a leg in an accident or die.

We have two generations of Hindus now. Pre Partition, those born in 1930’s, and those Post Partition Hindus who were born after 1947.

The Call to Akhand Bharat will go straight to the heart of the former and find resonance while the latter will find it irrelevant or impossible, even foolish!

A cry comes out of our hearts, “Poor India, you were so badly betrayed by your own unworthy sons. We will leave no stone unturned to unite you again.”

But the response from the post Partition Hindus will be, “I have only known India as she is now and have no attachment or connection with something that I never saw, that was never in my life!”

I end here with the awareness of another storm brewing up, that is approaching Partitioned India. We know its nature and potential but can do little about it.

We know that “they” were 10% in 1947 but now up to 60% at some places. At this rate the time is not far when they will be 50 percent or MORE everywhere very soon. Are the Government and the PEOPLE of Bharat able to do anything about it? I think NOT.

Please suggest a better ending to the write up above. Thanks.
