Date: 24/03/2023
Re: Muslim uses AirDrop to send terrorist threats to people on flight to Tel Aviv
It seems another kind of "THIRD" World War is going on which has no limits and frontiers.
We hear gunshots in Kashmir, Mumbai, New York, Israel, Spain, the UK, West Bengal, the Philippines, Thailand - covering the whole world. Please pause to think as to how fast the dark fundamentalist Islamic clouds are covering the globe.
In brief it can be described as between the receding Civilised with miniscule families and the advancing Savages with outrageous rate of reproduction.
The former mind THEIR business. The latter mind YOUR business!
You may say, "It is none of your business if my daughter walks through the town wearing bikini but the savage says, "It is MY business to make sure that she is invisible from head to foot," (NB: Not one Islamic Republic has lodged protest with the RULERS of Afghanistan about the savage suppression of girls and women!)
On an Islamic Channel in England yesterday (24 March 2023) there was a lot of "Insha Allah"and "Masha Allah" and clapping when a woman caller said, "I wish to see all the pubs turned into mosques!"
I could see the future of England at this rate of their growth in NUMBERS and AUDACITY.
I fear for the day when in the United Kingdom cinemas, theatres, dance halls and even theatres will be banned. "Good" Muslims will make sure that the British people resemble the Afghans in their "way of life"!
I am glad, I will be dead and gone out of their way by then. But I think of my children and my mind goes back to the land of my birth.
When I was born it (the noble Lady called "Hindusthan") was UNITED. When I left, not only the place of my own birth but even Gilgit and Chittagong were OUT of it with millions of innocent people scattered across the world.
That makes it "WORLD WAR THREE" that is waiting to flare up when the Civilised start chasing the Savages* back to Mecca.
25 March 2023
* The savages can become civilised by UNDOING the (bogus) Partition of India as the first step.