Date: 13/04/2023
Regarding Islamic bhai chaara
In the e-mail below we read, "I am sorry Amy but I know that most Muslims are loyal to India."
My comment-
1. Why can't the Hindus see behind the smoke screen that the Muslims, living among the Hindus in Partitioned India, have put up for their own survival? NONE KNOWS who is behind: A sadhu or a bandit.
2. Now travel back to 1947. Most Muslims hated the Hindus so much that they "mutilated" Mother India to carve out the largest Islamic country on earth. None has protested, even felt sorry for that High Treason which came "naturally" to the Indian Muslims!
Of course, the patriots have lived in disgust and disgrace ever since, seeing the present zig zag borders slashing through the MIDDLE of Bengal, Kashmir and Punjab. Can't we all see our MUCH REDUCED Bharat, thanks to our trust in the permanent enemy?
Since such Hindus, with their pea-sized brains, have already forgotten PARTITION, even deleted the word from their vocabulary, they cannot recall the time of that national disaster, nor do they wish to know as to what the Muslims in Pakistan did to the Hindus there! But to the IGORANT Indian Hindus now the Muslims are trustworthy "brothers" This newly acquired trust in the Muslims, without seeing the Koran amended, is only where the Muslims are a MINORITY. To see their true behavior, a kind hearted, all loving and trusting Indian Hindu should travel to an Islamic country like Afghanistan, Somalia and even Pakistan. That is where you can see them in TRUE COLOURS.
The trusting gullible Hindus' new love for the Muslims is UNCONDITIONAL like those vast territorial surrenders in 1947. No "post mortem" discussion in Lok Sabha yet!
The real test of Muslim loyalty to secular Bharat will come when the Indian Muslims pass an "Akhand Bharat" Resolution in Delhi, condemning the Pakistan Resolution of 1940 and then demand END TO PARTITION or move to Pakistan, if they really love their Nabi Hazrat Mohammed who commanded them NOT to have friendship with any Jew or Kafir!.
These simpleton Hindus do not realize that the anti Kafir "venom" in the Muslim psyche is permanent- the SAME in 712 AD, as in 1947 and now in 2023. It is just waiting for the RIGHT moment to STRIKE. 1947 was the right moment for them when they caught the trusting Hindus WITH PANTS DOWN.
If we don't remain on guard, or if we drop the guard again then another onslaught will take away the REST of India, too, after we lost the BEST of India. Muslims are not "gentlemen" by the following yardstick:
They all should have declared in ONE voice,
"We repent having destroyed Akhand Bharat in 1947 instead of keeping it united and strong.
"We are ashamed of slaughtering two million Hindus within weeks during Partition. We are ashamed for what our fellow Muslims did to the daughters of Hindus in 1947 although each violated Hindu girl was like our own daughters and sisters.
"We repent, and shed the curse of alien Islam and embrace one of the religions that was born in the sacred soil of Hindusthan, e.g., Buddhism or Hinduism, and several more."
Fellow Hindus, Please expect them FIRST to offer their hand of friendship. FEEL STRONG. You are on your own ground while they are all "Pakistani"!
Do not run to the foreigners, begging for approval, forgetting the entire history and the contents of their eternal KORAN regarding the Jews and the Kafirs (Hindus).
Finally, it's time to buy a gun and practice shooting. You are on slippery ground since the borders that pass between Lahore and Amritsar, and between Kolkata and Dhaka, CANNOT BE PERMANENT.
14 April 2023