Date: 28/04/2023
Origin of Khalistan
Please see how the rulers, sitting in air conditioned offices, are expressing their opinions on the "terrorists" demanding Khalistan.
All of them are under 65. Hence unaware of the two invisible but mighty "NUCLEAR BOMBS" that exploded over Eastern and Western India on August15, 1947, breaking up the sub continent into three ugly fragments, murdering millions and shifting tens of millions of inhabitants from their homes into wilderness across the whole world.
That was PARTITION, but the word was replaced by "Independence" by the cowards. Hence in Bharat, where ignorance reigns supreme, even the sensible are talking like the INSANE.
Ignorance about the root cause of the new stir in the politics of vibrant Punjab is due to the Law of Cause & Effect that dictates, "Khalistan, because there is PAKISTAN!" And the chaotic orphaned Partitioned India (Broken Bharat), "licking her wounds at "cease-fire line", has NO Ideology, no rule of law and no "Mai Baap, if anyone is shouting "Khalistan"! Not yet, anyway!
There are two more dates for which every "fake" friend of people and the so-called patriot ought to be hanged. These are 6 June and 1 November 1984 for the CRIMES committed by those known as the "government"!
Need one say even one word more?
"Terrorists, terrorists!" cry the government spokespersons, the media and all the so-called leaders in Hindusthan.
To all of them I say, "Come and talk to me first, about PARTITION, the hen that produced the "Khalistani" egg, SEVENTY-FIVE years later!"
Were you sleeping all these decades - two life spans?
29 April 23