Date: 19/05/2023
Only the honourable remember their dead!
There is a saying, “Only the honourable remember their dead!” If you disagree, please do not read any more. The dead cannot show their displeasure!
In the world we see memorials to their dead. The best is perhaps the Jewish Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. We are sure that any Hindus have visited it and then sighed. "We wish we had one like this in our Bharat, too!"
So why don’t we have one per State and the largest one in New Delhi?
Are we short of our dead?
In the last century alone we had Hindu massacres in Malabar, Noakhali and West Pakistan that took over TWO MILLION lives. Starting from 712 AD when the Killers first put their filthy feet on the sacred soil of Hindusthan and massacred the natives in Sindh, the misfortune of our people continued non stop. Thereafter during those long CENTURIES there were countless battles and countless massacres of the Hindus, running into tens of thousands each time. Recall the JOHAR by Rajput women. They, too, deserve a Memorial. Is there one?
So let us be HONORABLE and put up Memorials to the Hindus massacred in Hindusthan over centuries. Why is there only one at Jallianwala Bagh? Is there some nasty State agenda to overlook all the massacres where TEN TIMES the number were Hindus? They, too, were our ancestors, and FREQUENTLY ten to twenty times the number killed at Jallianwala Bagh.