Date: 22/05/2023
The late Lt Col Arnaud Beltrame will be seen at the feet of Jesus Christ, the genuine Apostle of Peace, while his assassin will be reveling among 72 virgins, eating grapes and drinking wine in paradise. So goes the Islamic Belief & Conviction.
Friday is the day of big “Jumma Namaaz” and somehow on Fridays the genie (JINN) comes out of the bottle and looks for the BLOOD of INFIDELS. “Partition” is not mentioned by the ruling (& fooling) establishment in “Broken” Bharat where, like the “rope trick”, they believe that “Mother” India (“Bharat Mata”) can walk and run without TWO legs (Pakistan and Bangladesh)!
Yesterday was not only a FRIDAY but also the “Yoom-i-Azadi” for the breakaway rebellious ISLAMIC Pakistan. Pakistani media showed the joy and enthusiasm of people (of course, Muslims ONLY!) and the ceremony of “Changing of Guards” at Wagah, the ugliest and most PROVOCATIVE event in the middle of Punjab, the Province of Proud Warriors, assumed special menacing premonition.
Modiji, so beholden by Mr Nawab Sharif’s mother, when he stooped down to touch her feet, has conferred official recognition to breakaway Pakistan by asking his high commissioner to join the celebrations!
The significance was lost, for the sake of temporary peace between Momins and Kafirs, that they were blessing those who had spilled TONS of innocent blood to fill the foundations of that “illegitimate” State that came about without referendum and without even ONE condition in turn!
Yesterday was FRIDAY again and the Jinn appeared in France.
The brave Lieutenant Colonel of the police forces showed utmost self confidence and courage to offer to go to the TERRORIST to negotiate the release of a WOMAN hostage. He was in full police uniform and represented the authority of the President of the secular Republic (of France).
But he was not confronting a normal citizen! He was pleading with a frenzied Muslim who had extreme CONTEMPT for Secularism and human life.
For his misjudgment and lack of understanding the core of “Islam”, the brave Son of France paid with his life. France mourns.
It occurs to us that there was a striking resemblance with something similar in the sacred city of MULTAN during 1947.
On 5th. of March that year the students of DAV High School and Emerson College took out a procession protesting against the creation of the Islamic State of Pakistan. As they neared Bohr Gate they were set upon by the Muslim crowd, mostly butchers with long sharp knives. The news of the killing and wounding of the school children spread through the city like electric current.
One brave man, Nanak Singh, President of Minorities Federation, Multan, heard the news and immediately rushed to the scene of carnage to prevent further killings. But he misjudged. The ruffians saw him as “Kafir” not as a lawyer in black coat, and set upon him inflicting deep grievous wounds on his body and stopped only when he fell and became motionless on the surface of the road.
That account is written in the book, “Don’t Break Up India” (ISBN: 81-7010-347-9).
Sadly, there is a sharp contrast with proud and sovereign FRANCE, where the hero will be hailed by the nation, and our own terrified Bharat where the man wo sacrificed his life for AKHAND BHARAT and SECULARISM, is an embarrassment to the rulers since he went against the wishes of Jawaharlal Nehru, who had already “sold” Mother India to the JINN.
“He fell as a hero, giving up his life to halt the murderous outfit of a jihadist terrorist,” President Emmanuel Macron said in a statement shortly before dawn on Saturday. WHAT DID THE “RASHTRAPATI” OF BHARAT SAY ABOUT NANAK SINGH?
24 March 2018