Date: 18/06/2023

On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 11:59 PM ccccccccccccccc wrote:

— A Pakistani living in America 🇺🇸

Finally, the world 🌍 has decided to pass by Pakistan, leaving this country of lies. Pakistan is now detached from the rest of the world.

It is irrelevant, unimportant, and uninvolved in world affairs. It has been left alone with all its problems and fault lines. Pakistan is hardly invited to world fora, and no one is interested in coming to Pakistan.

This state of the state has not come about overnight. It is an accumulated failure of many decades. More importantly, it’s a collective failure. Everyone in Pakistan and every institution of the state has failed the country.

Pakistan today is a cultural wasteland and a graveyard of fresh and innovative ideas.

Independent and freethinking are systematically curbed and stifled by the twin monsters of religiosity and patriotism.

Free flow and exchange of ideas are impossible. On the state and societal level, there is unannounced censorship.

Pakistan only has unskilled labour to offer to the world. The semiskilled technical workforce does not conform to international standards.

Generally, Pakistanis abroad are considered noisy, quarrelsome, and with low productivity at work.

Their Arab brothers seem to be fed up with Pakistan being a perpetual basket case.

Every incoming ruler sets out to the oil-rich kingdoms of the gulf with the begging bowl.

This familiar sight is now abhorrent for those people who are no more in the mood to oblige and have been rather blunt and undiplomatic about this now.

Since the Afghan war, the United States in particular, and the West in general, have lost trust in Pakistan. For right or wrong reasons, they consider Pakistan treacherous and deceitful.

No country is ready to engage with Pakistan in any meaningful manner. The United States is only interested in transactional and day-to-day relations. This has been the case for the last decade.

Pakistan’s all-weather friend, China, which has heavily invested in Pakistan, is bitterly disappointed at its monumental failure to provide security to Chinese citizens.

Moreover, Pakistan’s deplorable ineptitude to do its own part of the job and the necessary homework for the projects has left China increasingly aloof and disinterested.

Pakistan’s security policy regarding Afghanistan has met a dead end.

TTP is strengthening itself and has been found to be having increasing footprints across the southern districts of KPK, indeed an emerging serious challenge.

Pakistan is using the good offices of the Taliban in Kabul to negotiate with TTP from a relative position of weakness.

Pakistan’s economy is in meltdown. Currency is in free fall. Reserves are depleting fast and Pakistan is begging IMF for rescue. All the other usual donors are closing their doors.

All the institutions in Pakistan are crumbling. The judiciary is split and the lordships are washing their dirty linen in public.

The trust of the people of Pakistan in security establishment has eroded fast.

The establishment is no more an institution of last resort and is mired in controversy. It is now increasingly being seen as a problem than a solution.

Pakistan’s population is exploding and the environment showing degradation. Water scarcity is increasing and food security is in peril. Despite loud rhetoric about the great potential of tourism, this area remains totally neglected with no infrastructure development. Pakistan is nowhere on the map of international sports.

The Pakistani society is bitterly split. There is chaos all around. Writ of the state is diminishing. People are on their own to fend against natural phenomena.

Civic infrastructure is crumbling with massive migration in Karachi, the financial capital. It's a very depressing spectacle.

It is free for all with no rules of the game and no institution to adjudicate. Mediocrity is reigning supreme. Successive governments have not been able to do anything worthwhile about state-owned enterprises namely Pakistan Steel, railways, PIA et cetera.

These incur huge losses. Things seem to be getting from bad to worse. Police are totally corrupt and politicised. Law enforcement and prosecution of crime are in complete shambles.

This country of 240 million people is becoming ungovernable. The leaders at the helm, don’t seem to be equipped intellectually or emotionally to deal with the enormity of the challenges at hand.

The country has been derailed repeatedly from its baby steps to normalcy to join the comity of nations as a responsible and equal partner.
