Date: 24/06/2023
There is a certain unmentionable community rampant in the LAND OF VEDAS, GITA and GRANTH SAHIB, who hates everyone else and has the propensity to seduce and "hunt" girls of other communities for abuse and misuse.
Even in their own holy scriptures each follower of the Prophet of Bedouines, can marry, that is, possess, up to FOUR wives simultaneously. One will not find such degradation of women anywhere else on earth, that is, up to FOUR wives!
In Partitioned India (PI) the followers of this rude, crude and savage community are regarded "pest" since 1947. and find it impossible to confine their daughters within the four walls of their houses just like the Afghans in Afghanistan.
In Bharat there is no tradition of coming to the rescue of a Hindu girl who is being chased, or violently held, or being carried off in broad daylight by the ruffians under the pretext of "love jehad", we must think of solving the problem.
Hundreds, maybe thousands of Hindu girls, get seduced, molested or raped by members of this community on daily basis.
Hence to ensure the safety & dignity of our daughters, we need to do the following:-
Inculcate the concept of the "daughter of the village", or the "daughter of the community". Thus all villagers or residents of that town will "relate" to every girl living among them.
Empower the police to arrest the man from this particular community if he is in "hot pursuit" of a Hindu girl without embracing the girl's religion.
In case of mixed marriage it must be legally binding on the Non Hindu groom to embrace the RELIGION of his bride. Despicable ONE-WAY conversions must stop unless we wish the Hindus to vanish from (the rest of) Bharat, too.
Where the Hindus fear a ferocious retaliation by Muslims, as in Kashmir and West Bengal, the local military unit should be asked to act as "parents" of the non Muslim girls.
More suggestions ought to be invited since the Muslim grooms marrying and CONVERTING the Non Muslim females is serious hurt to the parents and the loss of NUMBERS in the country. We have seen the fate of West Punjab and East Bengal where the Hindu numbers fell, and that brought about total ethnic cleansing.
Please make a note of the FOUR things that ought to be dearer to us than life. These are: "DHARTI, DHARMA, DAUGHTERS and DHANN". In 1947 when our top leaders surrendered DHARTI (LAND) then we lost everything.
25 June 23