Date: 01/11/2023

In 1947 an ancient SUB CONTINENT of unique and unparalleled heritage and beauty shattered into pieces because the mad MORONS had outnumbered the civilised and tolerant natives (original inhabitants). Our own fault was to accept SLAVERY for centuries.

During slavery we, the people of Bharat, had NO choice but to accept any (Mohammedan) Emperor, (Christian) Viceroy or even a "mongrel secular" Prime Minister to rule over us for generations (founding a dynasty of rulers!) even if they were never seen entering a mandir, or sitting with congregation ("sangat") in Gurdwara!

Their first object was to make the Hindus "tame" and loyal.

Watch the natives touching the feet of Soniaji and Rahulji, because NEITHER of them will ever say "I am Hindu!". Astonished, ONE BILLION are looking at me confused, asking, "Does it matter?"

1 Nov 23
