Date: 03/12/2023
Christ, Raama and Mohammed
Now we are in festive season for someone who was in harmony with our own beliefs and convictions about conduct and morality in life. Jesus was genuinely a Prophet of God.
Coming from India that was partitioned in bloodshed, we will take generations to call Islam a religion. Every action has opposite and equal reaction. Since I come from that India which is Islamic Pakistan now, I will never respect the custom and tradition of multiple wives and the Koran that urges the believers to kill or convert, and puts "Tableegh" (Conversion) on top of the agenda.
A Muslim next to me considers his duty to convert me and when they are the rulers (as in all Islamic countries), then the exodus of non Muslims begins for personal safety, especially for the safety of their daughters who become prey for every "Mohammed". Please ask the Christians in Egypt and the Hindus in Sindh!
Their own females must cover up the face not to be seen and be in life threatening danger. How primitive and rude and crude to have all male namaz (prayer) in mosques! How contrasting is the scene in church and temple where families pray together. The savages in the mold of 7th century Arabia keep girls and women away since they won't be safe even in mosques! Subjugation. even rape, might occur in the place of worship!
I agree with Geert Wilders who says, "Islam is an Ideology, not a religion!" How true since Ideology drives them towards expanding the realm of Mohammed while religion will condition them to see all mankind as one family. As long as India is seen in three fragments now nobody on earth should think that the Muslims are civilised, secular or tolerant. Do notice her new (post partition) "Islamic" borders slicing through, and permanently DISFIGURING, Bengal, Kashmir and Punjab!
The future of mankind will be safe if and when all the Islamic republics are dismantled and made to adopt SECULAR constitutions. Does anyone think that this goal is achievable easily or soon? What are the implications for mankind in the future with these ISLAMIC republics where the non Muslim is second class, and degraded and his daughter is a prey or "game"?.
In Pakistan nearly two million Afghan families are being kicked out right now but there is NO demonstration anywhere. Yet the Palestinians cannot move to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia in order to give peace and security to the tiny "rabbit size" Jewish Sate of Israel surrounded by "elephant size" ISLAMIC republics!
By Law of Fairness we need to resolutely stand by the smaller and the weaker. So the world should stand by Israel and try to civilise the highly charged Muslim hordes, now spreading across Europe, Canada and America, too.
God help the future of mankind and all the converted Christian and Hindu girls who are producing babies at rapid rate and all through their lives to cover the world in separatist green "poison"!
Talk of reform in Islam, or leave Islam, if you are fed up and lose your head!
3 Dec 23