Date: 06/02/2024

Population Exchange between Pakistan and India

To me, the birth of Islam originated from hate, anger, inferiority complexes, and aggression against the civilized and weaker sections of people and their practice of religion and tradition. If you analyze the behavior of Muslims, you will see that whatever a Hindu does, Muslims do just the opposite. We worship the sun; they worship the moon. We write from the right side; they do the same from the left side.

In the dreary desert land of the Middle East, where there was no greenery, water, women, or wealth, they started invading all neighboring prosperous countries in search of water, winches, and wealth.
In 1923, there was a population exchange between Greece and Turkey through the Lausanne Treaty. In addition, many exodus took place before the 1947 partition of Bharat. Our ancestors were brave enough to fight the barbarians for time immemorial and sacrificed millions of precious lives in innumerable battles. However, Nehru and Gandhi, two narrow-minded, parochial, selfish giants, agreed to divide the country based on religion but failed to execute total population exchange in 1947 for their petty interest in vote-bank politics and owing to their lack of knowledge of Islamic history and intent. There was a heresy that both were of Muslim origin!

Bulgaria and Greece together decided to exchange populations because Greeks were very orthodox in conserving their religion, culture, and tradition intact and were not willing to be adulterated by the barbarian rules of Sharia and the uncivilized culture and tradition of the sex monger’s call of Tin-Talak and Nikha Halala.

In 1947, more land was grabbed just overnight for a smaller Muslim population, disproportionately. They were afraid of riots and Hindu-Sikh genocide. It means the devil duo were cowards enough to lick Britishers' boots and were intimidated by Muslims. They did not bother about the safety of Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists. They were more concerned about their own welfare, power, position, and prosperity! I foresee they will be remembered in the dark pages of modern history as traitors who were responsible for the mayhem of 20 million innocent Hindus and Sikhs, millions of women’s lives and modesty, and the displacement of millions of indigenous Hindus and Sikhs from East Bengal and West Punjab!

Why East and West parts of Bharat were severed, I say vivisected, to create Pakistan though Uttar Pradesh and many parts of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and South Indian states were thickly populated by killer Muslims! Gazwa-e-Hind was on their minds! Many riots were taking place since the Muslims landed in our Bharat in 712 AD, but our so-called leaders [one is a self-styled Pundit (neither a Brahmin nor a well-versed in the 4 Vedas), another is a self-styled Mahatma (in reality, one was a fool and another was a Duratma (wretched and wicked to the power of zenith)] failed to read the minds of Muslims even today. Muslims thrive on non-Muslims' blood. They are morons. They cannot make even a needle of their own. Only in 1927 did the Whites discover oil reserves in Saudi Arabia, and since then they have started bragging about their wealth. They are ugly-looking black Moors, but still, in Somalia, Ethiopia, and rural areas of Saudi Arabia, you can see them—the original nomadic bandits who plunder and earn their livelihood from pillage of others’ property! Today’s Somali pirates are looting commercial ships. You see, in Shakespeare’s Othello, a black moor enticed Desdemona! You see, Spain was conquered and ruled for 600 years by the savage Moors. How ugly—black, face filled with cruelty, monstrous physique—these barbarians were!

They are just like parasites. They will exist and thrive only in non-Muslim countries like India, the USA, and Europe until they finish the last drop of blood of so-called infidels to satisfy their insatiable lust for wine, winches, and wealth! Foresighted Babasaheb Ambedkar understood the psyche of Muslims. Constitution writer K.M. Munshi wrote, ‘We agreed to partition to avoid civil war’ but ironically, his messages were futile in front of Nehru-Gandhi, the devil-duo. We lost our land and population, and it forced on us a never-ending bloody civil war, which we are stomaching, by sacrificing our young women and men at the hands of killer Muslims in India daily!

All Muslims accepted Jinnah’s ‘Two-nation theory’. Hindus never wanted partition because the whole of Bharat is their motherland. Pakistan is a holy land for Muslims to observe Islam, Sharia, Koran, and Hadith. In 1947, Muslims created Pakistan, but only 3% shifted, and the rest, 97%, stayed back among Hindus, their soft target for raping, intimidation, and aggression! At that time, only 3 crores were Muslims, even after partition; today, they swelled up to 30 crores! Today, we Hindus are 80% in India, so Muslims will stay until India is converted into a Dar-ul-Islam! Kashmir, Kerala, and more than 250 districts in the divided Bharat today are now teeming with an aggressive Muslim population! Still, they call themselves minority and get all minority welfare and benefits.
Rapporteur of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, a minority is defined as a group numerically inferior to the rest of the population of a country and will be in a non-dominant position! However, Muslims in India are neither religion-wise, ethnically, nor linguistically inferior in number as compared to the majority population of Hindus! They dictate and dominate in all spheres of life, especially in the arena of politics, dominated by Congress, communists, secular (sickular), and left-leaning liberals.

Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and Sikhs have been exterminated in Pakistan. Today, less than 1% of Hindus as a religious minority live in Pakistan, with constant and daily threats of intimidation, death, rape, and abduction. Even Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan are not considered true Muslims, and they are constantly threatened to be uprooted from Pakistan’s soil!

Ethnic cleansing is a vital tactic for Muslims! The glaring example is Kashmir. In Europe, the USA, and India—everywhere before Muslim aggression and supremacy, the non-Muslims were forced to buy peace by their undue demand, which is called appeasement!

There are many instances where Pakistani Muslims migrated to India even after Pakistan was created for a better life. Many South Indian Muslims returned from Pakistan to India even after partition on the plea of food, culture, environment, and language differences and the dominance of Punjabi and Sindhi Muslims in Pakistan! Today, 5 crore Bangladeshi and Rohingha Muslims have illegally sneaked into the neighboring states of West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, and Mizoram.

To understand Islam, you have to understand the Koran, Sharia, Hadith, Kufar, Jihad, Dar-ul-Islam, and Dar-ul-Haram! Koran, a holy book where Allah is the only God in the universe. You cannot call him by any other name or language! Sharia is the law, rules, and regulations that will regulate the life of a true Muslim. Hadith is the account of Prophet Mohammad’s words and actions throughout his entire life, to be followed by all Muslims! Kufar means someone who does not believe in God or does not call God Allah! All non-Muslims, pagans, idolaters, and nature worshippers are non-believers; infidels called Malawun and Kefir, and are fit to be burned in the fire of Hell! Jihad is the never-ending holy war to subjugate non-believers to Islam! Dar-ul-Islam is a country where Islam has already been established and sharia law is in force! Example: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. Dar-ul-Harab means where Islam has not been established or is yet to be stalled, like in India, Bhutan, Nepal, the UK, and the USA. In the eyes of Islamic law, killing an infidel is a pious act. To be martyred in a holy war is a pious act of chivalry, and you will be rewarded in Jannat or in heaven, where plenty of nectar-like drinks and 72 virgin women are ready to entertain Jihadis! These teachings of the Koran make them fearless fighters to fight the infidel and motivate them to loot the infidel’s wealth and women. I say Mohammad was the greatest military strategist who exploited human nature's two sordid desires, one for insatiable sexual desire (lust) and the other for unnatural greed for wealth!

They know that Hindus are soft-targeted, kind-hearted (or chicken-hearted), and civilized people. Therefore, they attack their women and children first! Instill fear in their (Hindu’s) minds to subdue the infidels at the altar of Islam! Kashmir is the center of Hindu civilization and the land of learning. They have devastated it and will destroy it! Kashmiri women were the most beautiful. Therefore, they will snatch them. Muslims over the years have learned Eugenics! They grab the most fertile land in East Bengal, now Bangladesh! The most learned and the Brahmins possessed intelligent brainpower! So destroy them first! They want sturdy, strong, and brave soldiers. So Sikh women fell into their prey. Over the centuries, cunning practice and Muslims' killing instincts have changed many tactics (al-Taqiya) to win and make Gazwa-e-Hind a reality! They have very skillfully destroyed Gau-Gita-Ganga—the three pillars of Hindu faith! They have lured politicians. Example: Jogendranath Mandal, the schedule-caste and first law minister of Pakistan in 1940, who fled to escape the rape and arson of his own family in 1948 and ultimately took refuge in India, died a petty death, unsung and unseen. Today, the same thing is happening in West Bengal and other parts of India among the opposition leaders of different provincial political parties, lured by vote-bank politics!
Trust me, if a single Muslim remains in any country, it will proliferate at meteoric speed to surpass the indigenous population in number within a short span of time and create a Dar-ul-Islam if he is adherent to Koranic teachings and a five-waqt namaji, by which I mean a devout practicing Muslim. The fate of India now rests in the hands of Santana Hindus. They need to remain united. There is no alternative to NaMo. He is divine power! Follow him! Have Patience! Herculean task indeed: to cleanse the Augean stable!

Make sure the BJP remains in power for another ten years and contributes to the saffronizing of India; it will bear fruits in the end! Your and my dreams will materialize if we remain united!
The idea of population exchange will now be foolish because Indian Muslims understand that here they will get fresher and sweeter juices than in Pakistan! Therefore, it is almost impossible to oust them out of India now! A great bloodshed of a civil war is awaiting us! A third-world war will ensue!

1. India needs to be economically and consequently militarily a superpower like the USA and Russia to fight back the brutes! The Brutes understand the Brutes’ language!
2. NaMo is giving hints. Intelligent people should understand his clues!
3. Soft-power games and cultural heritage are being gradually revived so that we can boast of our ancient civilization, tradition, and heritage again. Many non-Hindus will do Ghar-wapsi spontaneously, becoming attracted by its illustrated and glorious past!
4. In the coming 5 years, if India can achieve a $5 trillion economy and if Mr. Donald Trump wins the November 2024 election with Sri Vivek Ramaswamy as his vice president, India can take an aggressive posture toward Pakistan. By that time, Pakistan will be broken into at least two pieces to create Baluchistan and Pakhtunistan! At that time, a true population exchange can be forced upon them!
5. Mathura Krishna Mandir and Kashi Visvanathan temples are only a few to recover! All provinces bear testimony to Mughal’s atrocity and cruelty! All temples will be recovered in the forthcoming years, one by one!
6. We are in the right direction, as shown by PM Modi. We need to identify our enemies first, who are in disguise as Hindu-name-bearing sadhus of the opposition parties in all the provinces! News-18-India, Aaj-Tak, Republic Bharat, and many more nationalistic and patriotic YouTube channels should be subscribed to, watched, and spread via social media platforms. Exercise your capability by giving donations or supporting them in whatever way suits you most! Maj Gourav Arya,Ankur Sharma,Adv.Ashwni Upadhya, Ramesh Sindhe, illustrated anchors like Amish Devgan,Kishora Adwani,Arnab Goswami,Sudhir Chowdhury, Sham Sharma, and Pushpendra Kulashrestha are many such patriots’ names who have sacrificed their own profession and personal pleasure for the sake of our nation and are working day and night being motivated by NaMo.
7. Nothing is impossible on the Earth! Only strong leadership, indomitable courage, and strong will power are required to win the war by giving befitting answer to the Brutes brutally!
8. Jayatu Jayatu Hindu Rashtra.

7 February 2024