Date: 08/02/2024
We wonder if there has been proper research done on "ABDUCTIN & RAPE" by the Muslims.
It is the most reprehensible practice by Muslims to "go" for girls and women during peace and war,
The worst sufferers have been the HINDUS in India who have faced this Islamic calamity over centuries. Millions of girls and women have perished over centuries at the hands of Muslim invaders and predators..
In earlier centuries the Muslim invaders used to take thousands of abducted Hindu women to Afghanistan, Iran and even Turkey where they were auctioned as commodity. Now it is WITHIN India what we know as "love jehad".
During Partition of India in 1947 tens of thousands of Hindu / Sikh girls were abducted and used for sex and converted, or killed. In India our girls have jumped into deep wells, thrown themselves on fire and even begged of their fathers to kill them. To most DEATH is preferable than to fall into the hands of a primitive "Mohammed" who looks at the "infidels" differently from the so-called "Believers"!
Mankind ought to look closer at the Muslim "culture" and their propensity to abduct and rape and degrade the females. On 7 October last the Israeli girls were a special target of the Palestinian terrorists who could have gone to live in an ISLAMIC country. There are FIFTY of them! In 1947 Partitioned India took in TWELVE MILLION Hindu/Sikh refugees without making it an issue!
We feel that further research should be carried out on "RAPE BY MOHAMMEDANS" since the peace loving societies still live in peril where the Muslims are living and reproducing themselves at accelerated rate.
Thank you.
8 February 2024
On Thursday, 8 February 2024 at 07:07:40 GMT, Robert Spencer
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