Date: 19/02/2024
If you were to sit in a group of Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus, you will get different vibes. Two are like the boiling hot water. The last named is like a frozen pond in minus 20 degrees!
Hindus have been giving, retreating, surrendering DHARTI and DAUGHTERS, while the Muslims have not given us an inch of LAND since 712 AD.
This is what made aggressor Jinnah and coward Gandhi. That is why we have never heard a single Hindu in the last seven decades, “Partition was fraud, deception and surprise attack. We will UNDO it.”
See the difference: America’s REACTION to Pearl Harbour and WTC towers, and Hindusthan’s immediate and permanent collapse in 1947.
Total contrast like Black & White, like day and night.
Negative result: inviting perpetual attacks and aggression, constantly losing girls in love-jehad, conversions to Islam and Christianity, ending up in slavery. It will be the same for the umpteenth time.
Positive side: Unbroken period (decades) of peace will enable the Hindus to learn the art of retaliating, understanding Statecraft, comprehend the disaster, defeat and surrender called “Partition”, and realize the smashed and demoralized END RESULT called “MK Gandhi”!
The prospect of Hindu unity and collective strength can be accelerated –
By Military take-over.
By New Constitution.
By sudden appearance of a man like Guru Gobind Singhji, Shivaji or Gen Hari Singh Nalwa who defeated the Afghans to give Bharat her frontier at Khyber Pass! (NB: How much was that extremely important strategic frontier, respected, or valued, by the "Clown" called Jawaharlal Nehru?)
Today the wide chasm is this: The inability to recover one inch of LAND from Pakistan contrasted with the speed of SURRENDERING one third of India on one day, without fight, without condition.
In view of the above it is crucial for BJP to win the forthcoming elections. For the Hindu nation squeezed within the new “Islamic” borders, it is a question of life and death!