Date: 16/03/2024

In each and every Islamic Republic once there was not a single Muslim living there. But as soon as the Muslims entered as traders (Indonesia) or invaders (India) the non Muslim population there started "dying" rapidly till not one of the original people is alive or tolerated today.

But what an audacity of the Muslims to expect brotherly treatment as soon as they land on any shore and utter the word "Asylum"! What an irony! They left an Islamic republic but now want to ruin a peaceful Christian continent or country!

When will the host countries, especially EU, USA and the “badly butchered” (PARTITIONED) India know that with each and every Muslim one Non Muslim (Christian, Jew, Hindu or Buddhist) has already “died” or is close to death or conversion? The demography in the Non Muslim country is changing rapidly, and for worse!

When will even one Hindu return to his ancestral home in Pakistan where in one year (1947) 15 million of them were forced out violently? And when will Sweden wake up to check the rapidly swelling Muslim numbers there?
Please look at the increasing Muslim population in the USA and do show the courage to foresee Partition there or civil war in pools of blood eventually.

The free world urgently needs to unite, as during World War 2, in order to check, and reverse, the increasing Muslim numbers. Since “Sharia Law” in Afghanistan is no different from “Mein Kampf” in Germany both need to be abolished on war footing in civilised peaceful societies.

We need to be asking, "Why is there even one Islamic Republic on planet earth in which a degraded Non Muslim has to fear for his life and daughter?

16 March 2024
