Date: 20/03/2024
If you ask a poor child in slum, “What do you want to become when you grow up?”
He will say, “I want to be a teacher or a pilot or a doctor.” He will never reply, “I love status quo. I wish to become a poor beggar.”
So how can we remain happy with the status quo with regard to the new artificial and temporary “Muslim made” borders of Akhand Bharat (India) which were carved by two “Swords of Islam” in 1947 with the vast Hindu nation, led by MK Gandhi, “frozen” in fear and terror? Are we still “frozen” and in Fear in 2024 AD?
Figuratively speaking, one sword was held in the hand of Jawaharlal Nehru in the West and the other was held in the hand of Mohammed Ali Jinnah in the East.
It was entire human history’s worst ever TERRITORIAL surrender without rhyme or reason, that violently went against our cherished Secularism, Patriotism and Self-esteem.
No country in the entire history of mankind ever surrendered an inch of land without a fight or as a result of defeat in War. Yes, Germany and Japan were forced to surrender LAND when they were defeated in war. Crimea was captured by Russia, not surrendered by Ukraine. Ukraine is FIGHTING Russia tooth and nail to recover every inch of her LAND that is under Russian foot. India had the best armed forces who returned home only two years earlier after fighting in World War 2 where they won gallantry awards including Victoria Crosses. Yet the same soldiers, now demobbed, were to watch passively when our top leaders quietly signed history’s worst ever surrender without firing a pistol! One cannot make any sense of the surrender, NOT of a couple of disputed villages or towns but of five provinces, that is, one third of the entire sub continent.
Should there not be an Enquiry or Commission to (a) investigate the circumstances of that surrender, (b) identify the traitors, and bring out their compulsions or motivation, and (c) either RECOVER the hastily surrendered LAND in panic, or carry out complete “Transfer of Population” to give some legitimacy to the sordid surrender. Only then will the “burning” restless soul of Mother India (Bharat Mata) be in peace.
Now it is up to ONE BILLION of us to demonstrate that when we chant “Bharat MATA”, we are not parrots.
There are 195 independent sovereign countries on the earth. Please quote ONE which has done the “disgraceful despicable and shameful” thing what our ancient and revered Bharat did on August 15, 1947 - in panic and utmost haste!
How long more to wait in limbo? How long more to exist (not live!) in STATUS QUO within the Bogus Borders given by BULLIES?
Why should we, the proud, patriotic and honorable 'one billion strong' Hindu nation live in “status quo”? “NO, NOT ON YOUR NELLY!”
It is the right moment in history for the Bharatiya Janata Party to pass the “Akhand Bharat Resolution” on March 23, 2024, that is, EIGHTY-FOUR years (“CHAURAASI SAAL”) after Traitor Mohammed Ali Jinnah’s “Pakistan Resolution”! It will ALSO show that not every Muslim stands by the dreadful “Partition” of India!
21 March 2024