Date: 28/03/2024
Does the civilized world have a huge blind spot for Islamic propensity for violence and deceit?
Most religions seek peace and personal fulfillment, but violence does happen from time to time when religion becomes political, as happened to Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries. The 30 Years War was particularly bloody. The wars of the 20th century were not religious as such, but were driven by political desires for Lebensraum. The 9/11 was carried out mainly by Saudi factions; does that make the Saudis liable?
It is a mistake to see the different Islamic countries as separate entities. They are much more like the tribes of pre-Columbian America: brutal, squalid, and greedy for their neighbor's land and women. They fight amongst themselves, but all combine to fight the infidels & Kaffir when necessary.
On October 7, Islamists from Gaza, of mainly Egyptian origin but members of the Hamas ruling clique tried to invade Israel. Yet this is only part of a bigger and more dangerous problem that Europe in particular does not see coming or does not perceive to be a problem. After all, for a secular humanist, religion is just a label, and one can conform to the rituals but otherwise remain unchanged in one’s belief in mankind as a god. And anyway, one can always pay the Jizya protection money. The Islamic world on the whole applauded the atrocity. Why? Because Hamas did exactly what the Quran tells all Muslims to do.
At its peak, the Islamic world stretched from Delhi in India to the gates of Vienna and the border areas of Spain and France. Islamic pirates stopped all trade in the Mediterranean area and sent their slavers as far as northern Europe in search of human livestock as slaves. Rape is not a crime in Islam. If a female is unguarded by a male, she may be legally assaulted, because women are not considered to be people but rather possessions. It is this doctrine we are inviting into our midst, and there is no mechanism for Islam to either reform or conform. So, lock up your daughters. Islam conquered northern Africa and totally wiped out the peaceful Christian communities there. No mercy was shown; Islam wanted a Christian-free zone.
The deceit is Islam claims to be a victim of the crusading and colonizing the West, but this is all dishonest projection in its worst form. Yet our academics and leaders appear to fall for it every time. The Quran describes Jews as pigs and apes to be executed, taken as slaves, or put into *dhimmitude financial slavery. *Dhimmitude is a polemical neologism characterizing the status of non-Muslims under Muslim rule. The Qur'an ( I tell thee of a worse (case) than theirs for retribution with Allah? (Worse is the case of him) whom Allah hath cursed, him on whom His wrath hath fallen and of whose sort Allah hath turned some to apes and swine, and who serveth idols. Such are in worse plight and further astray from the plain road.
Most of these policymakers seem to have ulterior motives, but many are simply intimidated. Muslims howl with rage and take to the streets when they feel that their ‘honor’ or that of their dead prophet has been violated. They are a virulent militia pretending to be a religion of peace. In France, they ambush and murder schoolteachers who do not kowtow to the Islamic revisions of history. The government does nothing.
The aims of the New World Order and of Islam are currently compatible. Among those aims are the total eradication of Judeo-Christianity, and world domination. Each thinks it can control the other in the final battle. Islam is a hierarchical system where the peons are little better than the many chattel slaves that are an intrinsic and current part of Islamic culture. There is no individualism amongst the peons; they are effectively imprisoned in clan and tribal tradition, and kept in place by religious police. Islamic royalty live secret lives of hedonism hidden behind high walls.
Yet this sick culture is coming to almost the whole of Europe. Islam is the blind spot of their belief in secular humanist multiculturalism. They think it is a compliant benign religious culture, when in reality it is an armed and ruthless conquering power. The ruling elites think they can bribe Islamic fanatics with welfare handouts. They cannot get their heads around the idea that exploiting the Kaffir and his handouts is intrinsic to Islam. There is no right and wrong in Islam, only Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. So those Hamas savages do not feel any guilt for their actions; it is the will of Allah!
If Hamas get away with it again, the same will eventually be coming to a suburb near YOU. Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, as is CAIR, and is closely related to Nazism. Its founder Hassan al-Banna was an acolyte of Hitler who greatly respected Islam. Islam is a religion of violence and conquest, and it will conquer YOU and yours if you let it get the picture!