Date: 17/05/2024

Comment on the Subject line: Why is Islam not YET exposed for what it is? Are the Intelligentsia living in the 7th or the 21st century? Are they scared or blind? Please discuss the issues freely.

The best example of the Koran being a book of violent and divisive ideology is the needless (useless) and provocative creation of the fundamentalist ISLAMIC State of Pakistan by breaking up the magnificent peaceful, tolerant, multicultural and multifaith country called "India".

Please do compare the map of the ancient country on August 14, 1947, with the one a day later, on August 15, 1947, One will be horrified to see the difference, that is, the vulgarity of destroying a magnificent country that used to be called "sub continent". that used to be known as "ancient civilisation"!

One is reminded of a magnificent nine storey mansion in Odessa that became a ruin after the Russian missile hit it, its inmates all killed. In the case of India the human loss, too, was colossal. Two MILLION people, families, old and young, were slaughtered, "inspired" by the teachings of the Koran that made them "KAFIR", a legitimate target of the "MOMIN". And 15 million people lost everything, homes, farms, jobs and assets and arrived in Partitioned India as refugees MINUS thousands of girls and women, forcibly abducted and raped till death by gangs who were all "poisoned" by the Koran with its anti Christian, anti Jew, anti Hindu, anti Buddhist brainwashed "Zombies", the shameless, mannerless, wild, crude and savage "believers".

How many widowed young brides, how man orphans who grew up without their fathers or parents and how many girls like OUR OWN sisters, daughters, granddaughters and nieces? Why are all the dead, that total HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of the natives in India since 712 AD when the first Muslim invader appeared with the KORAN in one hand and the SWORD in the other?

Please compare the teachings of Koran with every other religious Book, especially the Granth Sahib of the Sikhs and one will instantly realise what a "religious" book ought to be like, the one that calls ALL men and women equal and worthy of respect!

Partition of India is the direct result of the divisive (Momin vs Kafir) ideology of Koran under whose influence whole civilizations like the Zoroastrian in Iran, Buddhism in Afghanistan and the Hindu civilisation in Pakistan. Bangladesh and Indonesia were WIPED OUT, leaving no trace behind. With those religions also went their temples, statues, libraries, literature and universities that were destroyed by the readers of the KORAN!

ALL human beings on earth can judge for themselves how the world would have seemed today if there was NO Koran and "Islam"! Please compare the social scene in Lahore and Karachi before and after PARTITION and draw your own conclusions and then do make the world WISER and TOLERANT with equality and dignity conceded to girls and women.

Looking at the headline above, one may ask, "How is Islam misunderstood, recalling the PARTITION (violent break up) of India, recalling the attack on Nine Eleven and the one on October 7, 2023? Please go through the Vedas, Gita, Bible, Granth Sahib and the Koran. Which one urgently needs to be amended or banned?

17 mAY 2024