Date: 19/05/2024
19 May 2024.
You are quite right. But how to pass on such messages of wisdom and experience across the ONE BILLION Hindus in Partitioned India when there are obstacles, including the "Sarkar"?
Please compare how the news of abduction of a Muslim female, or the pig's head found in front of the door of a mosque in West Bengal will spread like wild fire, from Morocco to Indonesia in a few minutes whereas in our case even Rajasthan did nor know when Lahore was burning in August 1947, nor did Gujerat know what the invader Mohammed bin Qasim was doing to Hindu temples and females in Sindh in 712 AD!
But let us also recall how the Crusaders used to come down from Sweden to Spain and Italy to Greece, to travel all the way to Palestine to liberate Jerusalem! How far have the ONE BILLION Hindus gone to liberate Lahore that was founded by the son of Sri Ram when Mohammed was not even born in the desert of Arabia? (We see ONE BILLION HEADS down in SHAME!)
Is it not time that we had mechanism to convey the news across the whole nation within seconds! And what about RETALIATION? When two "Mohammeds" drag a crying, protesting HINDU maiden through the streets of Allahabad or Ghaziabad, even the Hindus shut their doors! Have we EVER heard that a Hindu crowd gathered within seconds and rescued the girl and "eliminated" the Love Jehadis on the spot?
RSS, Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal have to issue new instructions to all their branches since ONE Hindu "devi" is the daughter of ALL Hindusthan!