Date: 16/07/2024
We respect the esteemed comment of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (below). It does seem that he did not pass through the "Ring of Fire" in 1947. He is not alone since the Truth was immediately swept under the carpet by none else but the Bharati version of "QUISLING" who "eliminated" Netaji Bose, put the "Mahatma"" in his lap, sealing his lips, and took over our "bleeding" Bharat at history's most vulnerable moment with the unrecognizable reduced new borders.
We do understand that the post-Partition Hindus cannot "relate" to "Akhand Bharat" nor recall the glory of our Hindusthan stretched between Khyber Pass and Chittagong! There must have been "rats" who instantly took over Hindusthan to mete out the crude and barbaric Islamic justice to her!
We would further submit that the Hindu nation is supposed to be MARTIAL like the followers of Guru Gobind Singhji, Shivaji and even Sri Ram and Sri Krishna, otherwise we are unable to even think of recovering our IMAGE and HONOUR in the world after the most cowardly and disgusting instant and unconditional surrender of ONE THIRD of Bharat on one day in 1947. It is not history. EYE WITNESSES ARE AROUND. Why nobody interviews them and publishes their findings?
Why were the Hindus not martial in 1947? Because the Mohammedans had sapped their blood, non stop, for seven centuries and the British drained off the rest TO THE LAST DROP!
Is there an example of such disgusting collapse of the entire sub continent in the entire history? Even Ukraine is fighting for every inch of her territory! In that country we see no "rat" to commend quick surrender. What is then the calibre of a NATION that adores a "rat"?
It is time to say "Satyam" that is emblazened on the flaf of the defeated and dishonourable nation who has betrayed LAHORE but claims to be normal among the nations! Why is there no "rat" in Israel and Ukraine and why do we have them in thousands in Bharat Mata?
We, that is, the entire Hindu nation, was FROZEN IN EXPECTATION to see how our top leader, Mr MK Gandhi was going to stand up like a lion to shove Mohammed Ali Jinnah into the corner and save the whole of India including the area CONQUERED by the powerful Sikh Kingdom that had defeated the Afghans and captured KHYBER PASS. By the way, does our Bharat celebrate that spectacular VICTORY at any time and in any way? There ought to be a general holiday across Bharat to remember that VICTORY and feel proud and inspired.
The PATRIOTS who were loyal to AKHAND BHARAT will never accept the fraud of BOGUS "Partition" whereby all the Hindus were massacred, raped or forced out of their homes while the home grown ENEMY with contempt for Sri Ram, Sri Krishna and even Guru Nanak Devji, imposed ISLAMIC Constitution, smashing our Hindu civilization into pieces, leaving our Hindu nation suspended in he air, held by Nehru's thin secular thread.
Sir, the Truth is that Secularism in Delhi will be acceptable to the proud and the honorable ONLY when the Hindu nation becomes aware of Jenab Jawaharlal Nehru's HIGH TREASON in imposing his secularism on his voiceless slavish Hindu nation in Delhi while letting Lahore slip under Islamic Constitution. The armchair politicians of BROKEN Bharat ought to know the serious situation in which "Broken" Bharat is further decomposing and PERISHING, bit by bit, at the moment when we had PARTITION but also had the Muslims and their Waqf Board as well the Halal certificate meals in offices, on trains and planes.
Elements of Islamic Cvilisation that are present in our Hindu civilization are like the goat's droppings in the bucket of pure milk. The Hindu nation is being forced to drink it and adore the goatherd called "Gandhi"!
Our national stand has to be Akhand Bharat and Hindu Rashtra in which we Hindus quickly revive our martial qualities. The INVDERS who came by Fire and Sword and with the Book, have to be de-franchised if not expelled.
An artificially partitioned (on ridiculous and bogus terms) country cannot exist in its disfigured borders for ever, nor was that "Partition" meant to be eternal!
The "bridgehead" of Islam (Pakistan) threatening what is left of our Hindusthan cannot be overlooked or tolerated. LET US WAKE UP TO REALITY.
15 JULY 2024