Date: 15/08/2024

15 Aug 24


The news from Kolkata on the eve of PARTITON Day is terrible, beyond belief. The doctors are respected all over the world. It takes many years of hard study and after passing many examinations one is admitted to the noblest profession of saving lives. Doctors are the most trusted and respected people very high up in human hierarchy.

Yet in lawless Bharat where, under the SWORD of Nehru's bogus SECULARISM, religious education is banned and the the country has badly lost her moral and spiritual roots and the schools teach neither religion nor morality.

The syllabus imposed on schools by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad has yet to be replaced thoroughly to serve the needs of the modern generations of our Hindu nation.

Moral education is the pillar of any society which ensures people of all faiths live together in peace and harmony, and above all respect for the girls and women is universal.

Every rape victim has parents, siblings and friends who all are badly hurt. Fellow doctors all over the country are protesting and going on strike. It is no good for their own patients and for the country's IMAGE.

Sisters give Rakhi to brothers to remind them of their duty to protect their sisters, Yet in practice too many brothers look the other way when a mad Mohammed or a Schizophrenic attacks and rapes an innocent girl or, as in this case, a qualified practicing doctor inside a hospital. How ironic that the Chief Minister of West Bengal and the President of Bharat are both women! The nation will soon find out how they both "relate" to the doctor who was gang-raped and killed within a hospital. It will soon be one of them!

Truth is leaking out through ideological stone walls and more and more Hindus are seeking the Truth about the fall in national character but rise in corruption, negligence, lawlessness and rape.

We may ask-
1. Why did the lady doctor not have a specially designated well guarded and well lit room for rest and sleep?
2. Why was there no night watchman or security guard to apprehend any intruder?

3. Why did the lady doctor not have a personal alarm with her?

4. Why did she not ask a colleague or a nurse to join her in the room?
5. How could the rapist move about freely and unchallenged through the wards during the night?

6. Why did the Rashtrapati not “relate” to the victim, to fly to Kolkata in order to meet the grieving parents and family, and colleagues, of the victim?

7. What is the Centre doing to put safety of girls and dignity of women among the Information Drive that is expected to be launched across the country?

8. What punishment has been (or will be) given to the criminals? Will it be a "joke” or deterrent? How well do the Judges deal with the rape crisis in Bharat?
We hope you, esteemed readers, will be among those who are showing the patriotism to ensure that daughters of Bharat are safe all the time and everywhere. Let Hindusthan be the first country on earth where there in not a single instance of rape reported. This can be set as national target and ensured. Above all, the LOK SABHA and the Chief Ministers can do what is needed to attain this goal.

15 Aug 24
1. About "Independence", let us not be so detached as to hurt the feelings and sentiments of the Hindus in EAST Bengal who are looking at the charred remains of their homes and the local ISKON Temple there. They were BERAYED and "thrown to the butchers" in 1947 by NEHRU and in 1972 by his daughter, Maimuna Begum.

Please add to the List Sindh, Balochistan, West Punjab, Gilgit Baltistan, Peshawar and East Bengal that got detached from the running Express train called "Akhand Bharat" and crashed into the deep river. Congratulations to those celebrating that they were NOT on that doomed train.
2. But I never knew that India became independent. I only know that it was PARTITIONED and then our part of Bharat was immediately ENSLAVED by "Bandit" Nehru. Bharat Mata’s middle fragment got true Freedom only in May 2014 when Modiji took over as Prime Minister. Real Independence is YET to come when we see a new Vidhan, and frontier back to Khyber!
