Date: 04/09/2024

Here is the definition of a barbarian. It can be taught in all schools in PARTITIONED Bharat that -
A barbarian faces only in one direction while praying. He believes that God lives in a particular city in the desert!
A barbarian is cruel. He shows no mercy on Non Muslims, including women, girls and infants.
A barbarian wants to convert all mankind to “Jehaalat”, even by the use of torture and sword. Please read about their victims in every country from Morocco to Indonesia, especially in Bharat, and pay special attention to the manner of killing the innocent followers of other Faiths.
A barbarian will kILL anyone leaving Islam.
A barbarian treats women and girls by the laws of Sharia. Under Sharia Law hands and feet of petty criminals are cut off and errant women are buried under earth and then stoned to death. This is considered entertainment among barbarians!
A woman, who complains of being raped, is asked to bring four male witnesses who actually saw her being raped.

A barbarian can marry up to four wives, thus degrading them and treating all of them like slaves.

A barbarian can marry a 6 year old girl and thus ruin her entire life.

A barbarian can divorce his wife, and the mother of his children, simply by saying the word “talaaq” (divorce) three times even by e-mail or on telephone.

Barbarians do not regard marriage sacred, or bindng for whole life. To them marriage is a contract that can be for certain period of time, even a few hours!

Barbarians do not allow girls and women to study at a school, college or university.

Barbarians do not allow their girls and women to work outside their homes.

Barbarians force their females to cover their faces fully while stepping out of their homes. Those who don’t follow this rule can be caught and raped by any barbarian even in brad daylight.

Barbarians can easily lie and deceive.

Barbarians convert all the non Muslim females to Islam on marrying them and force Islam on their children, too.

Barbarians will kill anyone drawing the picture of Mohammed.

Barbarians will kill anyone who criticises Mohammed or the Quran.

Barbarians do not make movies or draw pictures of Mohammed.

Barbarians do not have cinemas or theatres.

Barbarians take pleasure in destroying temples, churches and synagogues..

The barbarian who cannot feed all his children leaves his county and comes to Christian Europe or Hindu India to feed them all.

Barbarians produce 12 or more children per family.

Barbarians set up separate schools called “Madrassas” where the children are indoctrinated to spread Islam and kill in the name of Islam.

In their Madrasas and Mosques the Barbarians teach only hatred against all the other religions.

Barbarians still terrify the government of Bharat that cannot offend them by speaking the Truth: That the barbarians broke up (partitioned) India in 1947 to create the Islamic Pakistan where the non Muslims are killed, forced to flee, degraded or converted to Islam.

Barbarians cannot engage in debate or discussion. They soon get angry or upset and seem ready to fight or kill.

To actually see the barbarians on earth please go to Afghanistan.

Now we know the definition of a BARBARIAN.

5 Sep 24
PS: Please offer comments
