Date: 30/06/2013

Know the Silent Assassins of Lal Bahadur Shastri?

My book: Silent Assassins: Jan 11, 1966

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Chapter - 4

Death Night


Lal Bahadur Shastri died in the presence of his Press Advisor Kuldip Nayar,Private Secretary C P Srivastav and two personal assistants beside others.They were the part of Indian delegation at Tashkent. They saw bluish deathbody of Shastri. Autopsy was done neither in USSR nor in India. Theywere not minor as the sons of Shastri at that time. But they did not ask for autopsy. Lalita Shastri saw the blue patches and asked for autopsy but atthat time also they became dumb. Whose pressure was on them?Mr. Nayar writes: “I heard that Lalita Shastri was angry with the two personalassistants who had accompanied Shastri because they had refused tosign a statement which alleged that Shastri did not die a natural death.”

The widow whose sons were minor, the widow whose husband was the Prime Minister of India, that giant who presented flowers of 1965 victory on the feet of Bharat Maata, was crying only for autopsy of bluish body of Shastri, only for a probe into her husband’s mysterious death but noone had come to help her, even khaas aadami, personal secretary and personal assistants became blind in day light and became dumb. Have any one seen a sorrowful scene bigger than that?

Aiken Standard Review, Jan 11, Tuesday, 1966“What a tragedy, what a tragedy,” cried a woman official at the HotelTashkent as she awoke correspondents and conference officials toannounce: “Mr. Shastri is dead. Why did that Russian lady not use hotline?

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Kuldip Nayar wries: “I went back to the hotel and retired early.

That night Ihad a premonition that Shastri was dying. I dreamt about him dying. I got up abruptly to a knock on my door.

"Your prime minister is dying," a fat ladysaid. I rushed to Shastri's dacha. As soon as I entered, I saw Kosygin speakto somebody. In a large room, a small man's body was lying, crumbled. Icould see he had struggled with the thermos.....It was around midnight. Iused the hotline on which Kumarmangalam was speaking to someone inDelhi. When he hung up, I called the UNI office in Delhi. I dictated my biggest scoop, "Shastri dead."

[Did he become panic to see such bad dream?What was the reason for coming such a dream?]

“Two plane loads of Indians went to Tashkent. Pakistan was enemy countryso we flew over Iran to get there. Along with Shastri, there were ForeignMinister Sardar Swaran Singh, Defence Minister Y B Chavan, General P PKumaramangalam, deputy chief of the army staff; many diplomats and journalists...

Shastri and Ayub Khan were given dacha as almost 12 kmaway from the hotel where the respective delegations stayed.”- Kuldip Nayar

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(2) Kuldip nayar used the hot line but that lady or other official on dutyinstead of using hotline wanted to inform through messanger, that wouldhave used the four wheeler. Why hotline was not used? Residencial hotel of the delegation was sellected 12 km faraway from the dacha of Shastri, why? Time was taken for going and coming means for 24km would be more than one hour.When Nayar entered the dacha, Shastri was dead.

(3)There was no buzzer in the dacha (room) of Shastri. Why?

Kuldip Nayar was the press advisor of Lal bahdur Shastri?

Did he perform his duty well at Tashkent?Nayar has been accused of supporting anti-Indian conspiracy theories in Pakistani newspapers. In a May 2010 article in Pakistani newspaper “Dawn”,he alleges that Indian anti-terrorism squad leader Hemant Karkare (whowas killed by Pakistani agents during the 2008 Mumbai attacks), was killedby a secret cabal of men he termed “Indian Taliban”.In July 2011 US Authorities found that Nayar as one of the three IndianJournalist to be part of ISI funded anti-India events in US. On suggestion of Nehru, Shastri selected Mr. Nayar as his Press advisor.“After leaving the Press Information Bureau I became a reporter. Wherever I went to meet Congress leaders, I was labelled as ‘Shastri ka aadmi’[Shastri’s man].” Kuldip Nayar We can judge him easily in his writing that he performed his duty well inTashkent being a part of Indian delegation! He is dutiful by his writings towards Shastri after his death also!!

(4) Mr. Nayar writes: “We were informed that Shastri came in at 9.30 pm and called for a doctor. Later, Dr Chugh, his personal doctor, said, "Shastriji did not give me time." Was Dr. Chugh fully sure about cause of death heart attack? Mr. Nayar avoid to find answer.


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(5) It was around midnight. I used the hotline on which Kumarmangalam was speaking to someone in Delhi. When he hung up, I called the UNIoffice in Delhi. I dictated my biggest scoop, “Shastri dead.”Mr. Nayar writes: “After sending the flash on Shastri’s death, I went back to his assistants’ room to learn the details about his death. Bits and pieces of information gathered together indicated that Shastri, after attending thefarewell reception, reached his dacha around 10 pm. Shastri told (his personal servant) Ram Nath to bring him his food which came from Ambassador (T.N.) Kaul’s house, prepared by his cook, Jan Mohammed. He ate very little: a dish of spinach and potatoes and a curry.”

Why did the food come from Kaul’s house where his personal cook wasJan Mohammed? Where is Jan Mohammed since Jan 11, 1966? It is said that with the help of KGB he had migrated to Pakistan. Ahmet Sattarov has said that one Indian cook was also arrested along with them and that Indian cook prepared the food for Shastri. He further said that according to him and other three cooks of his team that Indian cook might give the poison to Shastri. Would the above fact not be biggest scoop for Mr. Kuldip Nayar, Mr. Inder Malhotra and others?

Soutik Biswas BBC correspondent writes: “Mr Nayar then pieces together the events leading up to Mr Shastri’s death - of how the prime minister reached the dacha around 10 pm after a reception, chatted with his personalstaff and asked his cook Ram Nath to bring him food “which was preparedin the dacha by the Russians”.

Why there is contradiction above?

(6) Mr. Nayar writes: “Our official photographer and I spread the nationalflag, which had been neatly folded up near the dressing table, over thebody, and placed some flowers to pay homage to him. I then went to meetShastri’s assistants. It was a few yards away and one had to walk through

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an open verandah to reach it. Shastri’s personal secretary, Jagan NathSahai, told me that Shastri had knocked on their door at around midnightand wanted water. Two stenographers and Jagan Nath helped him walkback to his room. This was fatal, Dr Chugh said. After sending the flash on Shastri’s death, I went back to his assistants’room to learn the details about his death. Bits and pieces of information gathered together indicated that Shastri, after attending the farewellreception, reached his dacha around 10 pm. Shastri told (his personal servant) Ram Nath to bring him his food which came from Ambassador (T.N.) Kaul’s house, prepared by his cook, Jan Mohammed. He ate very little: a dish of spinach and potatoes and a curry.Ram Nath gave Shastri milk, which he used to drink before retiring at night. The prime minister once again began pacing up and down and later asked for water, which Ram Nath gave from the thermos flask on the dressingtable. (He told me that he had closed the flask.) It was a little before mid night when Shastri told Ram Nath to retire to his room and get some sleep because he had to get up early to leave for Kabul. Ram Nath offered to sleep on the floor in Shastri’s room but Shastri told him to go to his ownroom upstairs. The assistants were packing the luggage at 1.20 am(Tashkent time), Jagan Nath recalled, when they suddenly saw Shastri atthe door. With great difficulty Shastri asked: “Where is doctor sahib?” It was in the sitting room that a racking cough convulsed Shastri, and hispersonal assistants helped him to bed. Jagan Nath gave him water andremarked: “Babuji, now you will be all right.” Shastri only touched his chestand then became unconscious. (When Lalita Shastri was told by JaganNath in Delhi that he had given him water, she said: “You are a very luckyperson because you gave him his last cup of water.”

Above version of Nayar shows that he met every body except JanMohammed and Ahmet Sattarov who prepared the food for Shastri. PerhapsIndian arrested cook was Jan Mohammed. What was the reason for not making contact to him by Indian side there?

(7) Advocating for Jan Mohammed: “ As days passed, the Shastri familybecame increasingly convinced that he had been poisoned. In 1970, onOctober 2 (Shastri’s birthday), Lalita Shastri asked for a probe into her husband’s death. The family seemed to be upset that Jan Mohammed, T.N.


Kaul’s cook at the time, had cooked the food, not Ram Nath, his own personalservant. This was strange as the same Jan Mohammed had prepared foodfor Shastri when he visited Moscow in 1965.”

Indira Gandhi’s body guard was always loyal to her. He took revange inanger after the entrance of Indian forces into Swarn Mandir. So it does not mean the cook if not mix poison at the time of preparing food in 1965, would be so also in 1966.Rajeshwar Prasad joined Shastriji in 1959 and worked under him for sevenyears, finally he worked as joint secretary to the Prime minister. He sighted interesting illustration in his book: “Days with Lal Bahadur Shastr: Glimpsesfrom the last seven years” Shy and retiring by nature Shastriji shrank from personal publicity. On thesuggestions during his premiership he took some changes and he did not shrink from to the same extent as before. Illustration: As premier minister he attended the Non-aligned summit in Cairo in Oct 1964. There he had been housed in the Nile Hilton Hotel by the banks of the river. Since he was a strict vegetarian with very simple taste, the normal hotel fare did not suit him. Hence the U A R govt had made special arrangements for his attendant Shri Ramnath, to prepare his simple fare inthe corner of the kitchen of the hotel.Ramnath was the personal cook of lal Bahadur Shastri. Whenever Shastri was in the journey abroad, Ram Nath always remain with him as a cook asa personal servant of him.Why was on the black cruel night of Monday, January 10, 1966, food for Shastri prepared by Jan Mohammed instead of Ramnath personal cook of Shastriji as he did always in the past. Why could Ram Nath, be avoided in preparing the food for Shastriji?

(8) Gen Ayub was genuinely grieved by Shastri’s death. He came to Shastri’sdacha at 4 am and said, looking towards me: “Here is a man of peace who gave his life for amity between India and Pakistan.” Later, Ayub told the

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off well; “Pakistan and India might have solved their differences had helived,” he said. Aziz Ahmad, Pakistan’s foreign secretary rang up Bhutto toinform him about Shastri’s death. Bhutto was half asleep and heard only the word “died”, and apparently asked, “Which of the two bastards?”

What a terrible coincidence was that? When Ayub reached in the room of Nayar, arrest of five cooks including one Indian cook was also happened at 4 A.M. of same night. And just before half an hour Guljari Nanda took oath taking Prime Minister from President of India. And all delegation members and leaders in India became busy with hectic trick to be or to make the next king or queen of India. Here india still we find one family rule so I used the word here....instead of Prime Minister.

(9) Mr. Nayar further writes: “Later, we discovered that Shastri spoke to his family in Delhi every day. That evening, he had called Delhi and asked for Ammaji, his wife Lalita. His daughter came on the line. It is said his daughter said, "Amma won't come on the line. You have given away Haji Pir andTithwa." It is said she was very upset. Of course, former defense minister V K Krishna Menon and Vajpayee also criticized him. He then asked his daughter to send him all the newspapers to Afghanistan where he would halt for some time.” It is said he tried to reach Delhi again, but Ammaji never came on line” Mr. Nayar could not disclose the reliable source of his above discovery.

Soumit Biswas BBC correspondent met Sidharth Nath Singh who is theBJP Parliamentarian and the grandson of Lal Bahadur Shastri. SidharthNath Singh told Soumit Biswas that Mr Nayar’s account of the telephone conversation that Mr Shastri had with his family members that night wasinaccurate, and that he HAD spoken to his wife.Mr Singh, who was two years old when his grandfather died, says that one person was detained on “suspicion of poisoning Mr Shastri”, but was released. Mr Nayar’s book has no mention of this.

Mr. Nayar writes after that: “It was around midnight. I used the hotline on which Kumarmangalam was speaking to someone in Delhi. When he hungup, I called the UNI office in Delhi. I dictated my biggest scoop, "Shastri

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Pakistani journalists that Shastri was one person with whom he had hit it in peace. Mr. Nayar writes:

“I heard that Lalita Shastri was angry with the two personal assistants who had accompanied Shastri because they had refused to sign a statement which alleged that Shastri did not die a natural death.”I repeat again:

The widow whose sons were minor, the widow whose husband was the Prime Minister of India, that giant who presented flowers of 1965 victory on the feet of Bharat Maata, was crying only for autopsy of bluish body of Shastri, only for a probe into her husband’s mysterious death but no one would come to help her, even khaas aadami, personal secretary and personal assistants became blind in day light and became dumb. Have any one seen a sorrowful scene bigger than that?

(10) KGB officers did not take sleep. They arrested in the same night time4 A.M., five cooks, four were Kremlin cooks and fifth was Indian cook. Arrest was made on the charge of giving poison to Shastri. KGB releasedthem after six hours, means 10 A.M. Why was that drama?(11)

What did the Indian delegation three cabinet ministers, Indianambassador, Kumar Manglam and other officials from 1.32 to 10 A.M.?

Ahmet Sattarov said in his interview: “Despite the fact that we were veryfast, as they say, is justified, the foreign press dubbed us “poisoners PrimeMinister of India”. And only our newspapers to show restraint, the incidentnevertheless caused a lot of noise. When we were driven out Bulmenyawishing to get our photos literally hung on lampposts, all the roads werefilled with media representatives from around the world,”

What were our media and international fame our journalist including Nayar and others were doing at that time? What was Mr. C P Srivastav, personal secretary of Shastri doing at that time and what did he wrrite about thearrests?Did they take even one step towards knowing the conspiracy?

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Mr. Nayar writes: “Our official photographer and I spread the national flag, which had been neatly folded up near the dressing table, over the body,and placed some flowers to pay homage to him.”

Did that photographer and others meet the arrested cooks? They saw the bluish death body which was shown by the Russian authority; they saw and came back to India for being or for making next Prime Minister.

(12) “In the kitchen there was a Soviet cook helped by two ladies - bothfrom ... tasted everything, including water, before it was served to Mr Shastri,”

Neither Ahmet Sattarov or other kremlin cooks nor the officer of ‘Nine’ intelligence department responsible for the safety of the guest and others in the banquet said about the presence of such ladies for tasting the food at the time of Tashkent meet. Shastri’s personal cook Ramnath was there then what was the need of Russian cook in the room of Shastri? As written by Soutik Biswas in his article in BBC “

Mr Nayar writes. Remember this was at the height of the Cold War and India-Pakistan hostilities and thesecurity paranoia was extreme.”

Perhaps Nayar writes so to give weight his belief that there was no possibility of giving poison to Shastri? Should this be a reason for keeping lady tasters?

(13) Mr. Nayar aiming to clear the doubt of lalitji regarding the poisoning tolal Bahadur Shastri, Mr. Nayar told her that when “bodies are embalmed ”they turn blue. Is the glass half empty or half full?---

When poison is induced then also body turns blue. Is this also not true? Why did he not think about another possibility?

(14) Mr. Nayar writes "I went back to the hotel and retired early. I was dreaming about Shastri’s death when someone knocked at the door. “Your prime minister is dying,” Probably he dreamed such because as he writes, Shastri was heart patient, he was in tense, his family was against the signing on accord, and so so..


(15) his wife Lalitha Shastri suspected some foul play ...then Mr. Nayar said " I think it went without the media' attention ”

As Ahmet Sattarov said that except Russian media all other international media’s photographers were busy in clicking the arrested cooks photographsand even his handcuffed photograph also was hanged on the poles. Still how we can say that there was no media attention.Further Soutik Biswas BBC correspondent writes”But if you believe surviving members of Mr Shastri’s family and an enthusiastic Delhi-based journalist,Mr Shastri was possibly poisoned.”

(16) Mr. Nayar still believe that Shastri’s death was due to heart attaackbecause he was in tense and also a patient of heart attack. “That evening,”writes Mr Nayar, “I met by chance his personal physican Dr RN Chugh,who accompanied him. I asked him how Shastri was standing the strain.He looked up to the sky and said: ‘Everything is in the hands of God’.” Mr Nayar does not elaborate.

Why did he forget to ask his international poltical friend Ayub Khan how hewas standing the strain when he saw the tricolor flag on the land of lahore?Was Shastri not under pressure at the time of signing Kutch Ran Pact?Should every heart patient die due to heart attack?

(17) A crestfallen Mr Shastri, according to Mr Nayar, then remarked: “If myown family has not liked it, what will the outsiders say? Mr Nayar writes thatthe prime minister’s wife did not come on the line to talk despite manyrequests - a contention that is disputed by many of his surviving familymembers. This upset Mr Shastri. “He began pacing up and down the room...For one who had had two heart attacks earlier, the telephone conversationand the walking must have been a strain,” he writes.

By his writing skills Nayar tried with his best that Shastri was in tense and he faced two heart attacks, so he died due to third heart attack only. He did not invest his valuable time to see other side. Boris Yeltsin Russian President faced six heart attacks in his life.

(18) Then his staff gave him milk and some water in the flask. Around 1.30am, his personal assistant Sahai, according to Mr Nayar, saw Mr Shastri at his door, asking with difficulty, “Where is the doctor?”

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The staff woke up Dr Chugh, while the prime minister’s staff, assisted byIndian security men, helped Mr Shastri walk back to his room. “If it was a heart attack - myocardiac infarction, and obstruction of blood supply to the heart muscles, as the Soviet doctors said later - this walk,” writes Mr Nayar,“must have been fatal.”Mr Nayar writes - presumably from an eyewitness account by the personal assistant - that Mr Shastri began coughing “rockingly”, touched his chest and became unconscious. Dr Chugh arrived soon after, felt the prime minister’s pulse, gave an injection into the heart, tried mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but to no avail. More doctors arrived. They found Mr Shastri dead. The time of the death was 1.32 am.

It means with in few minutes all process had been completed and easily took decision of natural death only by heart attack. Then what is the necessity of arresting cooks in the suspecision of giving poison to Shastri? I have record that after that death fact finding committee was also formed which was sent from Moscow to Taskent.

(19) Soumit Biswas BBC correspondent is right to say: ““Knowing the truth is important for our family. The truth has never been out,” Mr Singh told me. Then he talked about the cold war politics of the day, and who would have gained from poisoning Mr Shastri who had served as prime minister for only 19 months: a foreign power, political rivals. Some of it sounds remotely credible; other bits outlandish. But Mr Singh and the nation deserve toknow why the government is holding the paper about Mr Shastri’s death back. How will it imperil our foreign relations? With whom? India has a notoriously stodgy reputation as far as declassifying historical documents is concerned; the state almost encourages a statist historiography. The truth should be out and the controversy should be buried, once for and all.

I the author of this book fully believe that time will come when Indian government mostly run by one family should feel to open its brief case containing only only one document related to the death and connected to aforeign country. That document has been kept safe because ............ Other records had been thrown into the memory hole.

Mr. Nayar writes: “of course, former defence minister V K Krishna Menon and Vajpayee also criticized him. He then asked his daughter to send him all the newspapers to Afghanistan where he would halt for some time.


It is said he tried to reach Delhi again, but Ammaji never came on line………I Have Been Betrayed’: Thirty-five years after the Indo-Pak summit in Tashkent, a prime minister’s final words cast doubts about his sudden death. A little sentence on a little slip of paper. But when that sentence is in the handwriting of then prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, when that slipof paper is found inside the spectacle case that was handed over, alongwith Shastri’s body, following his sudden death in Tashkent on January 11,1966”

Where is Russian and indian (Dr. Chugh) doctors' report? Where is arresting and releasing of suspected cooks report? Where is Shastri's death fact finding committee of Russia's report? They disclose only which they want, other material is thrown in the memorial hole of the novel ‘Ninteen eighty four’. This is the policy of Indian government always.

Officially, Shastri was declared to have died of myocardial infarction, or heart attack, but Lalita Shastri persistently alleged that her husband was poisoned. Why did senior Congress leaders and Kuldip Nayar counsel her against it? Asked if it was a mistake on the part of the government not to have conducted a post-mortem as there were several conspiracy theories circulating, Nayar said, “I never thought of it (post-mortem) then. We were shown the body and it was brought back in a plane. But, now to think of it, the post-mortem could have been conducted.”Now after the filing of RTI by Anuj Dhar, Mr. Nayar says that no autopsy was done but felt such a procedure could have been undertaken.

What was harm, if Mr. Nayar, acting Prime Minister Bharat Ratna Guljarilal Nanda, Indira Gandhi endorsed the demand of Lalita Shasri at that time for the postmortem?

The author C P Srivastav

says that when he was later posted in UK as Secretary General of UN’s International Maritime Organisation, he showed the medical reports by Soviet doctors and Dr Chugh to two reputed medical practitioners of UK, Dr David M. Spiro and Dr Jan West, both of whom said.


blue patches are quite natural in such cases of heart attack due to removalof oxygen and the embalming process. However, he wonders why there was no post mortem at Tashkent or even in Delhi (much less an enquiry).This was perhaps because nobody including the Acting Prime Minister, Gulzari Lal Nanda asked for it. Which, in a way, is expression of suspicion and dissatisfaction? Perhaps, ‘the intense politicking about his successor in Delhi, soon after his death’ was responsible for it. The Congress leaders were too busy in this more urgent business.

Mr. Srivastav could show the report of Soviet doctors and Dr Chugh unable to show the same to the people of India. He is moving all over the world but could not meet the Ahmet Sattarov and could find the where about of Indian cook Jan Mohammed.

“I was 16-years-old when babuji (father) passed away, but I still remember there were dark patches on his chest, abdomen, and back. And the bodywas bluish,” says Sunil Shastri.

He further said: “Leaders like Ram Manohar Lohia and Dharam Yash Devraised the matter in Parliament. “In 1990-91 there was a media report which stated that Russia’s KGB had some documents related to babuji’s (father’s) death. Then, I wrote to the then Prime Minister Chandrashekhar and to the then President R.Venkatraman, but only to get a one line answer,

”Shastri’s wife Lalita, and later his sons Sunil and Anil, have alleged that Shastri was indeed poisoned. “I was just 16 years old then. But I remember his body had darkish blue spots on the chest, abdomen and back,” Shastri’s elder son Sunil said this month to Indian media. “My mother and we suspected he died under mysterious circumstances.”

“I will not rest till I demystify Shastriji’s death. It’s a promise to myself. I owe it to him,” he (Siddharth Singh, son of lal Bahadur Shastri’s daughter, presently the BJP leader and also spokesperson of BJP) declares adding that the next logical step in his fight would be to move a court on the matter. An alumnus of Hindu College, Sisharth Singh is sure that Shastri did not die a ‘natural death’.

“Dr Chugh and Ramnath died before they were to appear before a committee, set up by Morarji government to inquire into Shastriji’s death. It cannot just be a coincident. Moreover, my grandmother late Lalita Shastri swallowed a slip of paper


that was found in the former PM’s pocket saying that when she failed to protect the PM how could she protect the family,” Sidharth Nath Singh claims.

He believes that the former PM had scribbled a message for the family. Although, Singh calls his fight ‘apolitical’ it is apparent that the BJP has for long been trying to embarrass the government on the mysterious death and claim the legacy of the great leader. Before Ahluwalia raised the matter in the Rajya Sabha last year, former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayeehad sought to turn the tables on the government in Parliament in 1970during a long debate on Shastri’s death.

Sidharth Singh feels the saffron party’s ‘nationalistic values’ has a distinct edge over the Congress and would empower him in fighting for truth. “The only thing I prayed for at his samadhi (Vijay Ghat) was for power so that I can take his name forward. The prayer took me to the BJP in 1996,” he reminisces looking at small frame of Lal Bahadur Shastri that adorns a wooden wall panel on his right.

He says his party leaders have high regard for his late grandfather. He cites the example of how the Vajpayee government declared 1 Moti Lal Nehru Marg, the official residence of Shastri during his prime ministership, a national monument in 2001. Pointing at another frame on the right panel where a beaming Shastri has been captured holding him (two year old) in his lap, he points out that neither his party nor he ever used his Shastri connection to claim a position in politics.

When asked, why he did not raise the issue during BJP-led NDA rule, hesays he heard alarm bells only after the government refused to declassify a document related to Shastri’s death in June last year. “I decided to workas a catalyst.” While BJP’s deputy leader in Rajya Sabha (Ahluwalia) raisedthe question in the upper house subsequently, Singh along with his party leaders Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Madan Lal Khurana and Prakash Javdekar went to meet the President. They asked her to ‘direct the Government of India to clear all doubts on Shastriji’s death which remains an issue evenafter four decades.

Family divided Ironically, Sunil Shastri and Anil Shastri, the only surviving sons of LalBahadur Shastri, who supported Siddarth Nath Singh’s campaign for release of documents related to the death last year, are no more interested in digging for truth and embarrassing their party, Congress.


Terming it a fight for ‘political mileage’, sources close to them say that they would not like to be a party to the campaign as it would not bring back their father. “It is futile to follow it. It is a fact that their family had doubts on Shastri’s death. But why should a political party take it up?” they ask.

(I the writer of this book is not belong to any political party. Then why do I write this book on my personal efforts on my expanse. Even I avoided my health problem and took risk to overlook the opposition of my family members. Why did I this? So called heirs of the lal Bahadur Shastri should answer it!)

The sources point out that Sunil Shastri had asked Chandrasekhar government to look into the matter but the latter could not achieve anything.“

Why didn’t the NDA government do anything?” the sources pose adding that Sunil and Anil want to be kept out of the matter. While Anil has been in Congress for long, Sunil who was with the BJP in the past went back to the party one and half year back. The brothers were currently traversing Uttar Pradesh with Rahul Gandhi to wean back dalit voters from ruling Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).

Veteran journalist Kuldeep Nayar, finds the paper slip, butler’s arrest and cook-migrated-to-Pakistan stories too dramatic to believe. “I never heard of it (that Lalita Shastri swallowed paper slip). It would have been news in those days. I presumed he died of heart attack. It was a heavy attack. It is difficult to believe he had time to write about something,” Nayar says. Theformer editor of Indian Express reveals Shastri was worried after signing the Tashkent declaration. But Nayar has no hesitation to believe following:

‘I Have Been betrayed’ that sentence is in the handwriting of then prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, when that slip of paper is found inside the spectacle case that was handed over, along with Shastri’s body, following his sudden death in Tashkent on January 11, 1966, that little sentence assumes enormous significance.

As I read in Narendra Kaushik’s article: Nayar, finds the paper slip, butler’sarrest and cook-migrated-to-Pakistan stories too dramatic to believe.

Is this reason for not writing a single word about the arrest of cooks by Nayar and C P Srivastav in their books on Shastri?

The first chapter of this book is for every one. The facts of arrest of Kremlin chief cook with other four cooks including one Indian cook have been thrown in the Orwellian memory hole. In the Orwell’s novel 1984, Winston Smith is the head of ‘Ministry of truth’ and his duty is to rewrite the history newspaper and change the facts to fit Party doctrine. We should not be act as Winston Smith………read more in the book loaded in my website which is freely readable and can be copied. If find any difficulty then feel free to contact me:

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