Date: 12/08/2013
We expect Mr. Aghnishekhar not to parrot the Gov of India alibi that
the communal carnage in Kishtwar and other parts of the State by Islamic
zealots is foreign sponsored.
Let us not forget that the valley was cleansed of Hindus right under RAJIV-FAROQ rule. The rule of SONIA-OMAR is facilitating the cleansing of Hindus from the Chenab valley, too.
It is high time we call spade a spade and prepare the Hindus , Buddhists and other minority groups to fight this war on their own, by their own arms and without looking up to First Lady from ITALY, Sonia Maino Gandhi or the Government of India. If they wanted the HINDUS to survive in Kashmir they would have issued AK47 or even pistols to each and every Hindu for SELF DEFENCE.
One must be an IDIOT not to understand the "Grand Design" of Government of India (ITALY, ISLAM & DESPICABLE SLAVE HINDU) that has the final goal to WIPE OUT THE HINDUS IN HINDUSTHAN and see the remnants settled in Reservations as objects of curiosity by anthropologists like the NATIVE INDIANS in America.
And if our LEADERS are, indeed, idiots, then we shall most certainly perish in the REST Of India just as we perished in the BEST of India in 1947.