Date: 30/08/2013
A rotting country that does not want tourists to expose the political filth there, levies a hefty fee for visa. TAKE INDIA, FOR EXAMPLE.
The NRI in Britain wrote, “I needed NO visa to go to Ukraine that is neither in Commonwealth nor in the EU. At Kiev airport I just walked through the Immigration desk.
But when I wanted to visit my land of birth, India, I was told to pay £90 (NINETY POUNDS STERLING) for visa for one trip. I was shocked and choked with anger. The travel agent was frank and said, “India is abnormal. No other country not even Russia, has such high cost of visa for their non resident citizens living abroad.” Then it dawned on me that India is not free but a SLAVE COLONY of Italian Mafia and corrupt BABOOS.
The man added, “So far they have been robbing the captive natives. Now they have turned to the NRI’s. We believe that £85 will go to SONIA MAINO GANDHI’S ILLEGAL secret accounts in Switzerland and mere £5 will go to the Indian exchequer.”
I pondered, “If UK charges a big price for visa that is understandable. Most Indians will come to visit the UK and then abscond and will never go back. While we do not believe that out of one million Indians living abroad if even one will disappear while visiting India.”
That is why most NRI’s are looking forward to DEATH OF "DYNASTY+ITALY+iSLAM" BUT "HINDU RASHTRA", instead, that will behave like “mother” to all those who were born in Bharat.
An irate NRI demanded to know, “Who is the “MAJORITY” COMMUNITY there?
He was told, “THE SHEEP”.